Sunday 13 February 2011

So it's OK to abort babies in the womb....

...but when it comes to murdering a young, pregnant mother to's a criminal offence that we call "Child Destruction."
The current, tragic case of Nikkita Grender from Newport who was brutally stabbed to death within a few days of her scheduled date to give birth to her daughter has resulted in a man being charged with her murder and, a secondary charge of "Child Destruction".
What double standards we live by. Up to 24 weeks of life you can hack away at a babe, leave it to die on the sluice draining board and you can go home with the thought that you have done your job well that day. You can be confident that the police will not come knocking at your door.

A few weeks later in the pregancy and you have committed a crime which, presumably, carries a severe penalty.

Here's what the Crown Prosecution Service had to say about the facts in this case....

"Offences relating to unborn children fall outside the scope of murder legislation. Therefore in respect of Nikitta Grender's unborn child, we have also advised Gwent Police to charge Carl Whant with the offence of child destruction under the Infant Life (Preservation) Act 1929".

Apparently, abortionists dread dinner parties when their neighbour is quite likely to turn to them and say: "What is it you do for a living?" Perhaps this would make a good line for the pro life campaigners, nothing succeeds like a bit of social ostracization and while many might approve of the act, I suspect very few approve of those who carry out the deed.


  1. The critical factor is whether the child is wanted. If wanted, it is a human baby worthy of respect, to be cherished, and looked after, and so on. If unwanted, then it a fetus, to be attacked and destroyed at whim.

    Thus the same establishment can have posters proclaiming: 'Smoking while pregnant harms your baby', whilst funding the killing of babies. Orwell would have recognised advanced doublethink.

    Thus the worth of a human being is determined by somebody else's attitude to it. And in the case of a pregnant woman, someone whose attitude is demonstrably liable to fluctuate due to the extraordinary emotional and hormonal changes that sweep over a pregnant woman.

  2. And once you have gone down that road of determining the worth of a human being according to someone else's attitude to it, it is a short step to the starvation and dehydration of the elderly in our hospitals.
