Thursday, 28 February 2013

The Holy Father ate my post!

"Das Leinen auf die Hecke-Blog ist ganz lustig (manchmal)"

I have often idly wondered who the mystery commentator, 'Vatcom' is.

The stats analysis frequently flag up a single viewer from Vatican City, apartment 10, room 6 (second from the top, third left).

And now I can reveal that it is indeed the great man himself.

What an honour. I feel duly humbled.

For the Holy Father to base his farewell address on one of my posts is the greatest compliment I could wish to receive.......trouble is, I think that, out of 1.2 million Catholics, something like 1.999 million of them would have already worked out the topical significance of the parable of the storm as posted HERE


  1. You mean that Pope Benedict the 16th himself READ your blog and commented on it??!!!!??? WOW!!!!!!

  2. Yes, it is amazing is it not Lena? It is also totally untrue! God bless. Richard

  3. Lena, I meant to add: "As you well know". God bless.

  4. Oh no, dear Richard, I can't believe it - for this is not the style of our Bavarian (!) Papa emeritus!;-)

  5. Severus, God's blessing on you and your family. I have added your excellent blog to my list. Danke.

  6. Herzlichen Gruß auch an Dich und Gottes Segen!

  7. Äh ... I forgot: the translator on my blog seems to be defective - and your Deutsch seems to be quite respectable ...!;-)

  8. Severus, you are too kind, my Deutsch is very bad, not respectable but execrable :)

    1. No, sir!! I DO NOT believe it came from fhe Holy Father!:-))

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