Saturday, 11 October 2014


It is with great personal sadness that we, the Collins Family, must inform the loyal followers of Linen on the Hedgerow, that our beautiful father, husband and grandfather, Richard Collins, has died peacefully at home this morning surrounded by those who loved him most.  He was blessed to receive the Last Rites and Holy Mass was celebrated in the Extraordinary Form at his bedside.  Please pray for the repose of his soul.

Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him.  May he rest in peace. Amen.


  1. Rest in peace Richard,
    L`eterno riposo dona a loro Signore, risplenda ad essi la luce perpetua, riposino in pace, Amen.

  2. Grace and peace be with Richard RIP. Prayers for the Collins Family.
    Bruno.<>< hermit sbf

  3. Requiescat in pace. Richard was one of the best. My thoughts are with all the family.

  4. Farewell Richard, you will be sorely missed.

    Requiem Aeternam dona eis, Domine et lux perpetua luceat eis.

    My condolences to the Collins family.

  5. I was praying the rosary for him this morning at 9.30am. What a beautiful day to depart from this life - Saturday, day of Our Lady. May Our Blessed Mother welcome Richard into Heaven with open arms, and may She console his family with Her blessings. My prayers for the repose of Richard's soul. Heartfelt condolences to the Collins family.

  6. RIP. Prayers for Richard, and for all of his family as well.

  7. Farewell, good and faithful servant. You will be much missed. May perpetual light shine upon your soul and may Our Lady of Sorrows comfort your much-loved family.

  8. Rest in Peace, Richard. Carrying your family in thoughts and prayers.


  9. God bless you Richard,and thanks for your blog,which upheld me and many others in these dark times.Condolences ,and love to your sorrowing family.

  10. Requiescat in Pace Richard.

    May Our Lord and Our Lady comfort and uphold all of your family.

    In the love of Christ
    Alan and Angeline

  11. Peace at last..
    May God comfort you, his grieving family and friends, in the sad days and months to come.

  12. Replies
    1. May God be praised for the life of this passionately Catholic man, who fought and wrote so eloquently of the Faith of Christ. It was truly an honour to meet Richard in this life. His dedication to family, Christ, to the Mass and to friends, as well as his humble and generous conduct was exemplary. Prayers for Richard and prayers for his family. Requiescat in pace. May you enjoy forever the Beatific Vision, Richard, brave soldier of Christ.

  13. Rest in peace, Richard. My Rosary tonight is for you.


  14. Although we never personally met, I considered Richard a good friend and a great help to me and my family on our spiritual journey. Our loss, while it cannot possibly compare to yours, his dear family, is deeply felt. Richard was a gift. Requiescat in Pace dear friend. I pray that Our Lord and His Holy Mother will sustain the Collins Family in your grief. God bless you. Joyce

  15. Holy Mass was offered for him last night.

    Requiescat in Pacem

  16. Psalm 129/130:
    De profundis clamavi ad te, Domine;
    Domine, exaudi vocem meam.
    Fiant aures tuæ intendentes
    in vocem deprecationis meæ.

    Si iniquitates observaveris,
    Domine, Domine, quis sustinebit?
    Quia apud te propitiatio est; et propter legem tuam sustinui te, Domine.

    May Richard rest in peace.

  17. I never commented on this (and other) blogs but read it with much interest. May Richard rest in peace and may God console those who mourn him.

  18. Requiescat in Pacem
    I will remember him at the Altar tonight

  19. What a hole Richard's death leaves in my life, and I am just a distant blog reader in America. How thousands times worse for you, his beloved family! My deepest sympathy to you. And to Richard, " In paradisum deducant te Angeli.."

  20. Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei!

  21. Requiescat in Pace, et lux perpetua luceat ei....I will remember him tomorrow throughout Mass. Prayers for him, and your family.

  22. My prayers for the repose of his soul and for consolation for his family.

  23. My most heartfelt condoleances to his family. I dedicated my daily rosary for the repose of his soul. We also remember him in the French Catholic blogosphere.

  24. My prayers and condolences to your entire family at this time of great loss.

  25. Prayers for Richard and his family. RIP

  26. Requiescat in pace, and prayers for you all.

  27. Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei!
    Mass will be offered tomorrow for the repose of dear Richard's soul and for the support and consolation of you. his family.

  28. May he rest in peace. His blog was a source of great encouragement. Prayers for the repose of his soul and for you all.

  29. Prayers are being said for Richard and his family. May he rest in peace.

  30. Condolences to the family. I shall miss Richard's wit and insights. Prayers.

  31. Dear Collins family,
    Your news about Richard Collins brought tears to my eyes! Although I only had brief email contact with him.It was something special for me to read his Blog as we were educated by the same Burnt Oak Dominicans. A good and wise man with such a sense of humour! He has been on the prayer list of my FSSP parish in vancouver Canada. Parish prayers will continue to be said for him.
    As you know the FSSP are priests of the Extraordinary Rite.
    Is there any way I can let you know if I am able .have a mass said for him?
    My sincere prayers for Richard & all of you, his family.


    E.Joy Tilby-Martin

  32. Requiescat in pace.
    My prayers for Richard, and for you all.

  33. Rest in Peace, Richard and the Lord may bless your familiy!

    "And ye now therefore have sorrow; but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you."
    John 16:22

  34. Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine et lux perpetua luceat eis.

    He followed my little blog and commented there a few times. Richard shall be greatly missed even by those of us who only knew him online (but we shall not miss him in prayer!).

  35. God bless Richard. He supported my efforts and followed my blog regularly. I met him in London in 2011. I am sorry God decided he should leave us all so quickly.

    God bless him and the family.

  36. What a beautiful way to leave this vale of tears and go to his meeting with our Blessed Lord and Saviour! May he be granted eternal rest and happiness in Heaven. All consolations and blessings to all the family.

  37. May he rest in peace. Praying for Mrs Collins and for all Richard's family.

  38. Will offer Holy Mass for him soon.

  39. Rest in peace.
    God bless Richard family.

  40. Thank you for sharing this. It is a great consolation to this heavy heart. He will be missed. He was very kind to me in this brutal world. May he rest in peace. Be assured of my prayers.

  41. I having been reading your father's blog for over a year now. I live in America and honestly, I did not much about the author. I came upon this blog while suffering the off-the-comments coming from Rome. I came to learn more about the Extraordinary Form of the Holy Sacrifice and as of February of this year, it's the only Mass I attend. I am so thankful for your father's insights and love of Truth. May His soul rest with the Lord and may perpetual light shine upon him.

  42. I said to my daughters a couple of days ago that I bet Our Blessed Mother will take Richard on the Feast of the Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I really felt it would be on a feast day of Our Lady.

    May he rest in peace! God bless you all - the Harvey-Craig Family.

  43. I shall miss him as I visited from time to time and was never disappointed.

  44. Farewell, Richard - a brave, true Catholic gentleman.

  45. So sorry to learn your news. My deepest sympathy to all the Collins family. I always found Richard's blog uplifting and it was a privilege to have met him.

    May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.

  46. May Richard's soul rest in eternal peace. My son and I send my heartfelt condolences to his wife, Mrs Collins, his children, grandchildren and all his family.

    Even while suffering greatly over the last several months, Richard was so selfless that he took precious time to send me some beautiful messages by email and included me and my son in his daily rosaries.

    One of those emails was especially edifying and showed how very close to Our Lord, Richard was. If Mrs Collins and family thought it good to do so, I would love to share it with other struggling brothers and sisters in Christ to give hope and inspiration.

    I am honoured to have received some truly Christian help and encouragement and friendship from a soul who was so far on the path to union with Our Lord God. I have learned from this beautiful soul, and believe he has had a lasting effect on my poor soul. I will pray for him always.

  47. Requiescat in pace. Prayers for Richard and all his family. May Our Lady console you all.

    God Bless.

    Louise Vaughan and family

  48. Aloha, I am very sorry to learn of Richard's passing. My prayers are with your family. I am praying for the repose of his soul. God bless.

  49. May Richard rest in peace. Richard was one of the first to support my blog. His visits were always much appreciated.

    My deepest sympathy to the Collins family.

  50. RIP
    In the sure and certain hope of the resurrection

  51. May perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.

  52. Requescat in pace.

    Rest assured, Prayers for Richard and Family and Friends already.

    Pray for us, Richard, and we will Pray for you. God Bless.

  53. On his soul sweet Jesus have mercy

    To have known Richard has been a great privilege, and his prayers frequently sustained me. May he rest in peace.

  54. His blog set a standard for literacy and wit, and sound orthodoxy. I was not privileged to know him, other than as a fellow blogger, but will miss him. We will remember him in our prayers.

  55. May God shed His Eternal Light upon you, Mr. Collins. And May He grant His Peace to the Collins family.

  56. It has been a privilege to be able to share in Richard's blog. God grant him rest eternal and light perpetual.
    My sincerest condolences to the Collins family. Please be assured that you will see him again soon, in God's good time. God bless you all.
    Ian in England

  57. We loved him dearly. Tom, Elaine, Louise, Peter, Corey.

  58. This is so sudden and unexpected. I postponed visiting Richard in Wales because I thought 70 years was no great age, and perhaps later we could reminisce about our days together at St James's, back in the 1950's.
    I feel utterly bereft at his passing, and can only offer his wife, family and friends my deepest condolences, and for the good and faithful friend that I knew him to be.
    I'll always remember him in my prayers.
    Rest in the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  59. Rosary intentions coming for Mr. Collins and his family. Requiescat in pace.

  60. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for the repose of the soul of Richard Collins on Tuesday next, 14 October, at the Monastery of Annunciation Hermitage. Requiescat in pace.

  61. Dear Collins Family,

    As a Catholic Britophile, I have always enjoyed reading Mr. Collin's erudite, insightful, and orthodox blog, as well as communicating with him via comments, email, and skype. He was very kind to me, and publicized my poem about Our Lady of Britannia, which just last month, I finally recorded as a song at a studio. His encouragement went a long way in that.

    My deepest sympathies are with you all, and I will keep his soul in my prayers. May Britain be granted more good Catholics like him who will rise up to carry on his work.

  62. Will miss him. I pray we meet in heaven some day.
    Rosary intentions and a Mass are forthcoming.

    God bless you and your family.

  63. Rest in peace Mr. Collins! I enjoyed and learned from his beautiful Catholic blog.

  64. I sadly only started following the blog in the final months of Mr Collins Life, Rest in Peace

  65. May he rest in peace and may you be comforted by Christ as your mourn his loss

  66. I'm sorry to hear of his passing. Sending prayers for he family, I'll keep him in my prayers.

  67. My sincerest condolences.

    May Mr. Collins rest in peace.

  68. Requiescat in pacem Richard. Prayers for his family.

    Bob Hayes

  69. Requiescat in pace, Richard. The Vaughan parents will always remember your unfailing support on you blog for our struggles. Condolences to your family.

  70. I offered my Mass this morning for the repose of his soul. It was, coincidently, a Tridentine Mass, which I thought was appropriate.

    I never met Richard, but feel I have lost a friend.


  71. Requiescat in pace.
    Hoy rezaré mi Rosario por su eterno descanso, por su familia y por todos los blogueros católicos.

  72. A sad and great loss,

    In Domino,


  73. Requiescat in pace. Prayers for Mr. Collins' family. I enjoyed reading his blog. He will be missed.

  74. May you be enjoying the Beatific Vision of God, rest in peace brother Richard.

  75. Shall offer Tridentine Mass for Mr. Collins' tomorrow morning (St. Edward's). Condolences and God's blessings to the family. JMJ

  76. I am very sorry indeed to hear this, although, given the amount of time that had lapsed since his last post, I feared that news of this sort might be in the offing. R.I.P.

  77. May he rest in peace. May Our Lady comfort his family. God bless you.

  78. I was so sorry to read about Richard's passing; God bless him and his family. He was the one I turned to when discouraged and his gentle humour always lifted my spirits. Really look forward to meeting him in heaven, if I ever get there.... Requiescat in pace

  79. May he rest in peace. I shall miss him although I only 'knew' him online. My prayers and best wishes to his family and friends.

  80. Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei.
    A sad and great loss!
    My prayers and best wishes to his family.

  81. A gentleman he was, through and through, and one of the true Defenders of the Faith we had on the internet. The blog scene will seem a bit barren now with such a loss, one that we can ill-afford just now. But may he soon be conveyed to the Beatific Vision that he so well deserved.

    Farewell, my friend.

  82. What a joyful warrior! Richard is - because he IS - yet another proof that God loves us.

  83. Dear Richard
    I'm so sorry you've gone. Thanks for being an anchor and for encouraging me when I felt low about the Church. I'm sure Our Lady will let you hold the Taper, and you will be a light for us.
    God bless you and your family.

  84. Cardinal Vaughan parents will not forget your support in our hour of need.

    May you rest in peace and much love to the family.

  85. Memory eternal my friend. You were a great support to me. Rest.

    Jason, formerly of Ascending Mt. Carmel

  86. Dear Richard, I wish you were here.

  87. May the Lord grant him blessed repose and eternal memory!

  88. Very sorry to hear your sad news. May he rest in peace.

  89. The Collins Family are in my prayers at this time. I will be offering my daily Rosary tomorrow for Richard's soul.

  90. May he rest in the peace of God that surpasseth understanding and may the Collins family experience consolation that he is now with God.

    Always enjoyed reading his blog from across the pond and look forward to a Tridentine mass and the opportunity to offer prayers for him and his family in Latin.

    Many thanks for the St. Thomas More prayer card.

  91. Dear Richard, thank you for your wonderful and courageous witness. Please do not forget the Catholic bloggers!

    God bless the bereaved family.

  92. Richard, I'm so sorry we lost touch to the point that, when you went to embrace the Lord, I didn't know it for almost two months. You were one of the first of my supporters, and I remain always grateful for that. Please pray for us, as I pray for the comfort of your loved ones here on earth.

  93. I have come too late...
    I will carry him and his family in my heart during mass today.

    Richard- dear brother, we will meet in heaven.

  94. Remembered in prayers
