Friday 19 July 2013

M = Server F = Serviette


  1. I just call them alter boy girls. What is a Catholic to do?

  2. Serviette! How "non-U"! Napkins, surely?

  3. Utterly ridiculous and absurd. Unfortunately JP II was bullied into it and his loyal lieutenant, Joseph Ratzinger, had more pressing things to attend to when the US allegations landed on his desk. Not that he ever got any credit for immediately addressing the problem, which had peaked in the 1970s. Am I the only one who thinks that that decade was one of the most dire in the history of the Church, and that Paul VI was the worst pope in modern times?

  4. Some people may think I'm kidding but I'm not. I've never been to Mass that had alter girls thus no clowns, no balloons and all manner of outrage. I'm very fortunate in this.

  5. No, John, you are not the only one. We might argue over who gets te title of 'worst Pope in history' though. Paul VI is in the top 3!
    Anon, indeed you are fortunate, what is life like on Mars? :)

    1. I live in an old Spanish town, small. been many places but I've just somehow not been to a wrong Church. It's crazy.

  6. Patricius - right as usual - as it's now approaching 12 noon I must away to my dinner!
