
Friday, 7 June 2013

Yes, we have no Madrassas....

.....we have no Madrassas today.....

Not that you would suspect, from our see.....we keep this one close to our chest.....prospective Catholic parents may not be too keen to learn of prayer rooms in our schools when we have a Catholic ethos and are bound by the teachings of Holy Mother Church.

But...hey....who gives a damn...we're all part of the same club....bring on the lay chaplains and the Reverend Mr Deacons, let's ignore the looming issue of Islamic fundamentalism and forget what goes on in Saudi, Kuwait, Pakistan and other Muslim countries and let's forget that we are the one true Church (so old fashioned and judgemental)....what does Our Lord want us to do?

Oppose heresy and error and embrace false religions?


Are these some of the schools involved? Does the Headteacher know?

Funny that one cannot find anything about Muslim prayer facilities on the websites of Catholic Schools; all that is on the websites is info about the school chapel and so on.

Would you suspect that this school is involved in prayer rooms for Muslim students?

Read the HMI report.

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