
Thursday, 6 June 2013

3:10 to, some good news

                                     Time is running out for the prayer room lobby

Yes, just 24 hours to go before the letter goes to Archbishop Peter Smith asking him to investigate Muslim Prayer Rooms that have become established in some Catholic Madrassas Schools within his Archdiocese.

We do have a goodly number of signatures but, more are always welcome.

If you feel that it is wrong to provide such resources and would like to add your name to the letter, please leave your name in the comment box or email me on 

So far, 63 people have stepped up to the mark for the Faith.

And the good news.....from Wales, no less.

Some may recall the brouhaha over Bishop Burns' plans to flatten an old(ish) church in the centre of the University town of Aberystwyth and sell off the site to some decent, kind hearted developers who will give him shedloads of cash as a result.

With some of the proceeds, the Bish aims to build a new (nu?) church some way outside the town centre, inconvenient for the old and also for the many Catholic students in this University town.

A group of parishioners oppose the plan whilst some, are in favour.

The planning application went before the Town Council a few days ago and they came out firmly in favour of restoring the old church of St Winefride rather than building a new round one looking like a 1950s spaceship somewhere in the bogs of Ceredigionshire.

Now, this is only the Town Council I am talking about, the decision really rests with the County Council but, I am sure they will listen with interest to what their colleagues have to say.

I am not a crystal ball gazer (how could I be?) but I wouldn't mind putting my beer money on a victory for those who prefer a central location and a church with character and ambience.....and a touch of the hermeneutic of continuity.

Please pray for all concerned, including the Bishop.


  1. Well done re. the petition to Archbishop Smith, and good news regarding the church in Aberystwyth. Oremus!

  2. Great news! I think Fr Neil will be pleased too!

    1. Wouldn't it be more appropriate for Fr Neil to remain neutral?

  3. Once again your bias is breathtakingly biased...

    Yes, the silly season is upon us here in Aber. The Town Council Planning Committee passed a plan put forward by SOS which will never happen...they do not own the site, so we will just end up with derelict buildings in this conservation area whilst the town is crying out for more housing.The new church would cause no hardship for either elderly or infirm, unlike St W's

  4. Anon....that's a weak riposte. Please try harder.

    1. I do try, Richard, in quite a reasonable and measured way, but you keep deleting my comments!

  5. Anon @ think that the PP should remain neutral regarding the future of his church building? Please....what planet are you on?

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


    There is an EWTN programme on Catholic Wales next week!

  7. Good news Michael, many thanks. Richard

  8. Anon, I am deleting most anonymous comments, especially those that accuse me of being untruthful.

  9. Why would not all Catholics want their church to remain where it is in the centre of town, and be repaired and restored? If possible, an old Church ought not to be sold so that it no longer remains a Catholic church. We should work to keep our old sacred sites for now and for future generations.

  10. Anon(s) please leave a name. All anonymous posts will be deleted from now on.
