
Saturday, 8 June 2013

This post can I say it?...

...a little judgemental?


A little snide? Not really, I'm just pointing out some of the key elements regarding a training programme for those who wish to be involved in parish admin., counsellers (and councillors), Catechists, Lay Chaplains, Permanent Deacons and so on.

Catholic Formation - the home kit!

I know a little about training, literally.
I have spent 25 years in education but.....whisper it softly, I'm not an academic.

You guessed? How?

OK, let's move swiftly on.

The organisation is called Education for Parish Service and they describe themselves as a small independent charity.

Furthermore, they are linked to another organisation called
The Centre for Catholic Formation (not 'Reformation', note) and they, also, provide a range of courses, here is their menu:

Deanery Catechists Course
Exploring Discipleship and Mission
Time for Reflection and Prayer
Ongoing Formation with Parish Readers
Ongoing Formation with Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Partnership in Ministry (e.g. Parish Councils, Parish Teams)
Developing and Supporting RCIA Teams
Support for Liturgy of the Word with Children
Inclusion of People with Disabilities in the Life and Mission of the Church
Support with Parish Disability Access Audits
Ways to dialogue with people of Other Faiths
Disability Awareness in Schools and Parishes
Preparing the Parish for the New Translation of the Missal

    Phew! One might be forgiven for thinking that we no longer need priests!

    Forget all that vocations crisis nonsense, Marjorie from 34, Railway    
    Cuttings will step up to the mark and deliver the goods.

   And, whilst in a snarky mood, what is all this 'Liturgy of the Word'
   nonsense? Do they mean the Mass?

   If so, why not call it the Mass or, Holy Mass - better still.

   But, back to the Education Parish Service, or EPS for short. 

   They are partnered with St Mary's University, Twickenham.
    Is it really a University?

    And the academic programme on offer is a preparation for a Foundation   
    Degree in Pastoral Ministry....I'm beginning to feel queasy.

    This little nugget of theological excellence runs for one day a week over two

    Hmm...I do think it so unfair to place this kind of pressure on adult day each week for two years why, that's a total of 104  
    days, for a degree sorry, Foundation Degree.

   To those who may be unfamiliar with this qualification I would say that it is
   not an  actual degree, more a sub degree; but one that, in my experience,
   has little value in industry or commerce. It may be used as a stepping stone   
    to a full degree but, my guess is that two A Levels would probably take you
   there more efficiently.

   And, if you wish to take a peek at the academic staff, you may do so HERE.

   One member is described as a freelance catechist ("have nun, will travel")  
   and a liturgical artist.........that's enough nurse, wheel me back to the  

   asylum, quick!

* Apologies for the poor layout in places, the gremlins are in the system!


  1. Maryvale is the only safe Catholic learning institution in the country, which can be trusted to teach aspects of Catholicism in a genuine orthodox way.

  2. A fifth-column, I would imagine, for "We are The Church" and company. Bishops supporting the annihilation of parish clergy?
