
Sunday, 8 June 2014

Three distinguished guests

They arrived on Saturday night.

And they are going to be with us for a few weeks.

Two Italian men and one French woman.

We take it as a great honour that they will be gracing our home with their presence...but who are they?

They are relics (contained in reliquaries) of three great saints:

St Therese de Lisieux - to whom we have a great devotion for many reasons but also because she shares the same birthdate as Mrs Linen.

Pope St Pius X - a Pope who held back the tide of modernism in the early part of the 20th century and who, no doubt, will do so again one day.

And Padre Pio - (thanks to a friend, my devotion to this wonderful saint has been re-ignited in recent months).

The relics have been loaned by our priest who is one of the great priests of our time.
May God bless him and spare him.

If I had been able to choose three saints, I think that I would have chosen The Little Flower, Pope St Pius X and St Pio - that's pretty fantastic don't you agree?

If you could choose three saints as house guests, whom would you select?


  1. Lovely. . .but I would add the great saint Teresa of Avila. To read her is to be close to her. But we also need living saints for todays changing world. .

  2. Please say a prayer in their presence for me. Great question by the way I think if I had the honour I would chose St. Maxamillion Kolbe for courage, St. John Fisher, for our clergy and St Michael.

    1. Seaninn, prayers, of course. I also like those three.

  3. And all I've got is something called "The Cowboy Church" down the road. Yeeeee, hawwwwwww.

    1. Mack, is that the church dedicated to Blessed Roy Rogers and St Gene Autry?

  4. St John Fisher, St John Vianney, St Peter.

  5. I'm going to be greedy! ;-)

    When I was a child I would have chosen St. Dominic Savio, St. Aloysuis Gonzaga and St. Bernadette.

    As an adult my three female choices would be: St. Therese de Lisieux, St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein) and St. Catherine of Siena.

    And the male saints? St. Joseph, St. John Vianney, St. Augustine.

    Kathleen (CP&S)

    1. Kathleen, that's a positive smorgasbord of saints! Glad that the men got a look in, though.

  6. I can't fault your guest list, Richard - exactly the three I would choose.

  7. Would love to have St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Thomas More and St. Thomas Aquinas in my home. Therese and Aquinas have been taking care of me for years; I have reason to think Aquinas started taking care of me long before I had any particular devotion to him. St. Thomas More is my professional patron.

    I have actually had Bl. Margaret of Castello as a guest in my home. In her charity she overlooked the mess.
