
Saturday, 7 June 2014

Let's be judgemental

I know that modernists accuse orthodox Catholics of being judgemental but I believe that we are all called to be judgemental, to determine right from wrong.

So which of these two video clips represents right and which represents wrong?

Which style demands encouragement and which condemnation?

Video One: Filmed in a Cathedral in Germany

Video Two: Filmed in a number of Churches


  1. Approx 4 seconds of Video One was 4 seconds too long for me - my verdict:- pagan, immoral, scandalous, and not fit to be screened. Should be banned.
    All of Video Two - my verdict:- devout, holy, Catholic, inspiring, moving, beautiful music, could have watched it for hours. Much, much more, please.

    1. Beautifully encapsulated Brian. Happy Pentecost.

  2. Have to admit the first video was not my cup of tea, though I don't doubt the reverence behind the dance. I certainly wouldn't ban it! What irks me more is to see cathedrals used as art galleries, making it more almost impossible for contemplative prayer.
    Loved the second video, though am more used to see nuns in everyday clothes, such as the Daughters of the Holy Spirit. They were a valuable part of our parish for over 100 years until their recent departure due to infirmity...they are sadly missed!

    1. Sue, you almost had me fooled for one second. What a dry sense of humour! ("I don't doubt the reverence behind the dance"). I never realised that you were a true blue traditionalist. I wonder why your nuns in ordinary clothes died out, was it that they got out of the habit of spirituality?

    2. Once again, you choose to read more into my remark than was meant, Richard, to bolster your own prejudice.
      Ditto your casual and insulting dismissal of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit ( just because they don't go around in the full regalia...books and jackets!) who, FYI, have not 'died out', and have been an incredibly valuable addition to this parish for many years, and are keenly missed.

    3. Sue, are you telling me that you are not a full blooded orthodox Catholic? (sob!).
      BTW - departing due to infirmity sounds a little similar to "dying out" - thankfully, we will have the FSI to take their place.

    4. Hope Mrs Linen is on hand to administer smelling salts and a pint of Rev. James for the shock.


    There once was a Pope of nice
    The Bishop of peoples and mice
    Each person, his sibling
    Though Church mice, liked kibbling
    But become bread, left to His device!

  4. Unfortunately my German doesn't extend much beyond the basic civilities and asking for a beer but I got the impression that the iconography of the Sistine Chapel was being used as an excuse. Much as I want to disparage that kind of performance the actual quality of the dancing was way above what normally passes for "liturgical dance".

    1. Patricius, I think we have a duty to "disparage"

    2. I agree. It should not be done- even if the dancers are, as here, professional. It would be interesting to know what the justification was as I'd enjoy pulling it to pieces.

  5. The scant dress and the positions of the dance in the church was a scandal and not something pleasing to God. As to the beautiful sisters of the Franciscans of the Immaculate--the modern Church seems to prefer the scandalous lightly clad dancers to the Brides of Christ who wish to live and spread the perfume of Christ and conform to the Immaculate. As the powers that be continue to hammer those holy religious Institutes and smash charisms, those souls of prayer and penance are lost to us and the whole world has and is suffering.

    1. So, M. Prodigal, on that principle, would you suggest that sacred paintings and sculptures in our great cathedrals around the world by the greatest artists in history which depict saints and humanity in various stages of undress should be destroyed...?

    2. Sue, I think that you are on the wrong bus.....dancing in church (bad) bra and pants (very bad). It's as simple as that.

    3. Well said, M Prodigal, I totally agree.

  6. Can only get the second video, so not in a position to judge

    May I say however, that while observing the principle of the sin not the sinner, RE school in my case, it is our duty to judge. This is particularly so of our bishops as successors of the Apostles and guardians of Tradition and the Magisterium.

    In particular, every priest in the Confessional, acting “in Persona Christi” is required to exercise judgement in granting or withholding absolution.

  7. We have reason in order to make judgements (not be judgmental, which is a pejorative term).

    1. We'd better judge! We must judge every single day of our lives. From which children are not fit companions for our own children to which books, movies and MASS is good or evil and to be consumed by the family. So we had better judge! And there is nothing more important on earth than to judge what is good or bad for our souls. Thank God Almighty that when it comes to the Mass and Sacraments it is a no brainer for Catholics with sensus fidelium.

      "Know you not that we shall judge angels? how much more things of this world?" -St. Paul

      Anyone who judges video #1 to be "good" had better pray for grace to be Catholic or prepare for Hell. Are you listening, Sue?

  8. 'Anyone who judges video #1 to be "good" had better pray for grace to be Catholic or prepare for Hell. Are you listening, Sue?'
    Presumably your remarks are also directed towards Patricius too, CJ ?

  9. Oh, and FYI, CJ, I am a cradle Catholic who is only too aware of the need for, presumably, are you.
    Thank God Almighty, He alone is our judge.

  10. I am also unable to access the first video.

  11. Lisa & Jacobi, please try this link
