
Friday, 7 September 2012

Wearing the cross or bearing the cross?

Actually, I am not a great fan of women, or men for that matter, wearing a cross as an item of jewellery.
But I would fight tooth and nail for all to have the right to choose whether to wear a cross or crucifix.

                                 You may have the T Shirt but do
                                          you have the Faith?

There is a danger that in all of this kerfuffle, we lose sight of what is at the core of our Faith; it is not publicly professing our faith by items of dress or adornment that is important, what we should be concerned about is how we give witness to the fact that we are Catholic by our actions, words and deeds.

Do we publicly make the prayer of Grace before meals? Abstain from meat on Fridays? Live the Catholic Faith in the workplace?

Those are some of the more public actions we can take that, arguably, will make more of an impact on our friends and colleagues than wearing a cross chain will do.

More privately, and for the sake of Our Lord, we may make more discreet actions and sacrifices.

Who will know? Who will be influenced by these private deeds?

Well, of course, Almighty God will and that is the most important factor of all.

Yesterday, while on a busy 3 day visit to London I found myself within walking distance of Tyburn and the convent chapel where an enclosed order of Benedictine nuns pray for 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year before the Blessed Sacrament.

Outside the frantic world of commerce and social activity scrabbles on in ignorance of what is taking place in that convent chapel.

Few are aware of the momentous activity within - but it is made even more momentous by its anonymity.


  1. But wearing a cross can be a starting-point for many conversations which wouldn't arise otherwise... such as the ones I've had with taxi drivers!

  2. Brad September 8 7:12 EST

    I wear my crucifix daily, underneath my shirt. It was given to me by the bishop of my dioceses. It is more to remind me of what I am called to be than an announcement of my faith. That happens other ways.

  3. If we can publicly wear scarves and jerseys for Arsenal or Manchester United, why should it be any big whoop if we should wear crucifixes or other pro-God apparel?

  4. I understand your point but I think that there are two good reasons for wearing a cross or crucifix. As Mac pointed out, people do notice it and it does start conversations. I also think it's good, since we are such a minority, to remind people that we exist. It's true that we should witness through our actions, but I think without the cross/crucifix, people would not make the connection between our actions and our faith. Also, I work in a Catholic school were very few of the staff or students are actually Catholic, so my crucifix lets the children know they can ask me if they have questions. Secondly, I know for myself anyways that when I have my crucifix necklace on, it helps remind me to keep my temper in check and turn the other cheek. There have been several times when I've been about to be short with someone and then realized that it would be terrible witness to them, and changed my behaviour. So as Brad points out, it's more a reminder to me than to others.


  5. I would not argue with anything you have said, Louise.
