
Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Tomatoes banned from the workplace?

Recently, Fr Tim Finigan posted on an extremist Muslim move to ban the sale of tomatoes on the grounds that, if cut crossways, they reveal the shape of a cross.

Extreme you say?

Well, what is extreme is the ruling by the European Court of Human Rights that the wearing of a brooch, necklace or badge featuring a cross in a place of employment is not allowed.

So, Sikhs may wear their turbans, Muslim women their headwear but the poor old Christians are banned from any public display of their faith.

But what happens to the atheist employee who wears a brooch that has a cross motif woven into it?

Or the garage mechanic who has a 'love' cross tattooed on his knuckles?

Or, the French emigre with a cross of Loraine stitched onto his satchel?

It seems to me, that in Cameron's Marxist Britain, all we have to do is state that the crucifix around our neck or on our lapel is 'not a religious statement' - that would render us in compliance with EU legislation.

The only trouble is, it places us in the shoes of St Peter in our denial of Christ and we can't go down that route.

My solution, for what it is worth, is that we should all adopt a slice of tomato as a badge of our Faith - it may be a little messy but at least it leaves our souls pure.


  1. Indeed. How sad that the Cross of St. George is the totem of a football team and not a symbol of the ancient Faith.

    -- Mack in Texas

  2. In my haste I neglected to complete the thought: if the Cross of St. George were generally recognized as a Christian symbol it would be banned; as a footer thing it is safe from the dhimmi-Belgian edicts.

  3. Afaik the court hasn't yet ruled on the issue.

    From today's Scotsman - "The hearing was adjourned and the court reserved its judgment to a date yet to be set."

