
Friday, 19 September 2014

Something a little different Madam?

Time that Lloyds was held to account

Now it is not often that you will find posts dealing with secular affairs such as banking on this blog but I'm afraid that I have strayed from the path after hearing a rather interesting story from a young lady of my acqaintance.

It concerns the fact that this young lady, let's call her Miss Argery, went in search of a better deal from her bank (which happens to be Lloyds Bank of the sign of the black horse).

Her friendly manager went smoothly through her affairs before posing the question:

"Would you like to open an Islamic account?"

"Aherm" said Miss Argery, "Now why would I, a good Catholic girl, be wishing to do that?"

It seems, you see, that we now have special bank accounts for all sorts of things.

 There is one for the under 19s, one for school students and, of course, one for graduates.
And to this list has been added one for Muslims, or, at least, those who are sensitive to the issues of mortgages for example.

We are all aware that immorally high and devious interest rate schemes are to be condemned and that, in Islamic, Jewish and Catholic law are considered sinful and that, furthermore, may involve one in a grave sin.
 But a modest mortgage on number 23, Railway Cuttings, does not, by and large, normally commit oneself to the fiery pit.

Under Islamic (Sharia) Law, such deals may well be considered sinful and, therefore, there exists a series of varied loans that skirt around the problem - all well and good, but should this be on the shopping list for young Brits keen to forge a way for themselves in the world of domestic property?

Quite what Lloyds Bank think that they are playing at is beyond me.

As a percentage of the British population the Muslims rate somewhere below 5% - not a figure that would seem to deserve a special promotional push from the bigwigs of Gresham Street.

So why is this scheme thrust before us?

I hate to appear xenophobic but here, in the gentle lands of West Wales with the Preseli Mountains making an amazing backdrop to a coastline that is clearly designed to take one's breath away, I really do not wish to be "sold" on tenets of the framework of the Islamic faith.

Perhaps Lloyds are in need of a few letters of protest.

That is our way of dealing with matters or organisations that we object to.

Others might go down the Fatwa route. But that is not our way.


  1. Fingers in the till will be amputated...?

  2. (Continuing prayers for your health, but the tone of the posting reassures me that "unremitting Richard" is on form!)

    I must say that the bank has seen a niche in which it can make money, and, to be honest, if a bank offered a Catholic bank account which respected modern Catholic views on the Social Kingdom of God, I'd move my money there as fast as the howling Dawkinsites were boycotting the bank!

  3. What are "respected modern Catholic views"??? I'm pretty sure that true, unchanging Catholic teaching is not much respected in this modern and modernistic world.

    1. Lynda, writing in Mundabor - published by a fanatic further to the right perhaps than the lunatic fringe of the SSPX and professional hater of Pope Francis:

      "I simply don’t have the words for this evil targeting of the good. What’s worse is that no cardinals or bishops are shouting out in condemnation. What a sick Church. Lord have mercy! Reparation!

  4. If you open an Islamic account, is the money separated from the rest of the incoming funds into a bank? Is it invested by a Muslim banker into Islamic projects? Will you be funding ISIS/Hamas/construction of a mosque on your local corner? Will there be two sets of books with Sharia Law taking precedence? The legal system's been undermined and it's logical that they'll go for finance next.

  5. God or mammon, Llyods pandering to the Muslim pound as they threaten to pull out of an independent Scotland

  6. Lynda: "respected" is the past tense of "respect" here, not an adjective.

    1. I was having a bit of fun with the whole absurd notion of "modern Catholic views" in respect of the Deposit of Faith - it sounds like an attempt to adjust the Faith to please the secular, anti-God world and gain its "respect".

  7. Dear Ttony,

    "Howling Dawkinsites" - excellent!

    - Mack in Texas

  8. I don't know if this will reach you all but hope so.
    Just heard from Sally the news that Richard has come home and not expected to be with us long. Some of his children are with him but two are traveling from London and Sally asked for prayers for their safe journey and, of course, for Richard in his last moments.
    Sally was so brave and said Richard had been given the Last Rites by a young priest who has been Celebrating the Holy Mass for them in the Traditional Rite.

    Sorry to send you the sad news but wanted you to know as Sally wished for many prayers.

    God Bless.
    Gail Mills

    1. Thank you. We are with Richard in spirit. Praying.

  9. Thank you so much, Richard, for all the good work you have done through the medium of your blog. Please be assured of my prayers.

    God bless you and your loved ones.
    Dorothy B.

  10. My prayers are with you Richard!

  11. So sorry. Prayers for you and your family

  12. Prayers for you Richard and for your family.

  13. Dear Richard
    So sorry to hear this. God bless you for your blog. May Our Lady of the Taper hold your hand and look after your family.
    Prayers for you and yours.
    Damask Rose.

  14. Dear Richard and family.

    Thank you for your loving witness to the True Faith in difficult times.

    May Our Lady of Quito and St. Joseph sustain and comfort you.

    In the love of Jesus Christ
    Alan and Angeline

  15. Please be assured of my prayers and I will remember you at my Holy Mass tomorrow - Fr. Anselm.

  16. Sorry for your trouble, Richard. Praying for you and your family.

  17. Prayers for you and your family.

  18. Praying for you, Richard, and hoping to meet you in Heaven.

  19. Prayers for you and your family Richard,and thank you so much.

  20. Dear Richard, we have been praying for you and your family and will continue to do so. May Our Blessed Mother keep you close at this time. Thank you for your great example of raising a family in the Faith in difficult times. Much Love A & family x

  21. Offering Divine Mercy chaplets and will have Mass said.
    With love and prayers
    Catherine and family

  22. Hello Richard, so sorry to hear of your illness; will pray for you and all your loved-ones tonight in the Rosary with my aged-mother. Your blog-articles have been most edifying to read and I love the title of this blog, as well. May Jesus, Mary and Joseph bless you and ALL your loved-ones forever!! amen.

  23. Mundabor says Richard is still alive?!

  24. From a small town in Pennsylvania, USAOctober 11, 2014 9:36 pm

    Thank you, Mr. Collins for your public defense of the true and ONLY. Catholic Faith and. Catholic Mass. May you be welcomed into thy Master's house and may your family find comfort in the joy of your eternal birth!
