
Sunday, 29 June 2014

How to fight against secularism

Take one good priest, one crucifix....and one dog (a cat really will not do)

That's all you need really. A pastor unafraid of his bishop, the parish council and of the law of the land.

Of course, not every good priest is a 'Don Camillo'

Many fight with their intellect rather than by using brawn, but this fictional Italian priest sets a pretty good role model to follow.

Even if, sometimes, he displays the very human characteristic of getting it totally wrong.

The good Lord is always by his side and good always triumphs....

Don Camillo - The Procession


  1. Don Camillo is great! BTW, the stories show that the real source of his strength is the fact that he spends a lot of time praying to Our Lord in the tabernacle.

    1. Don Camillo is definitely the antithesis of femininity that seems to be present among the clergy.

  2. There'd be no hiding that crucifix in anyone's sash or jacket!

  3. what we really need is a procession from Spanish Place to the Palace of Westminster........ a great big float (or a pickup truck at a pinch) with a Priest (preferabley the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster but that might be hoping for too much) holidng aloft a monstrace with the Blessed Sacrament.

    Said Float (truck) wlll be followed by a few thousand Trad Catholics singing Hynms in Latin (we can do it) and carrying various Banners (we can ask the nice ladies of the St Claire's guild to make some) and proceeded by six very strong Transalpine Redemptrists bearing a beir with a statue of Our Lady and six men with boombing voices who will take it turns to cry out "Make way for the King, Make way for the Lord and Saviour of this Realm".

    Said Procession will stop at the Palace of Westminster (preferably whilst the criminals inside are in session) where the clerics in question will first Lead the laity in the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary, then pray the St Michael Prayer over the once fine house of law. Then we process down the Road to Westminster Cathedral where we shall have a Votive Mass of the Holy Ghost (High Mass) intreating for him to enlighten the minds of the Criminals down the road. Then we storm the local ale houses and make merry on whatever poison one wishes inibe.

    1. Just another mad Catholic....absolutely! I am with you there.

      All others, excuse a general comment but thank you all.

  4. The Blessed Sacrament needs to be protected. Souls eating and drinking condemnation unto themselves needs to be fought against unrelentlessly. Mortal sin needs to be preached about regularly, and people unequivocally told not to receive if they are in (or there is a possibility that they are in) a state of mortal sin. They must be told that they must confess all their sins - and that if they do not confess a mortal sin, they may not receive Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. That if they die with an unconfessed mortal sin, they go to Hell. Hatred for souls is behind the failure to inform people of these critical facts. In the Church of these past few decades, those who do their best to save souls (cleric or lay) is persecuted and pilloried, banished. Blessed Michael, defend us in the hour of battle . . .

  5. We need more priests and especially bishops that are fearless like Don Camillo.

  6. It was one of your 'clips' of Don Camillo which sent us hunting for more, a box set was bought and many evenings of glorious viewing was had. Thank you so much.

    1. Thanks Momangelica, glad to be of service. Still treasuring the medal!

  7. Awesome! I've never seen this series, but will definitely look it up. Thanks so much for posting it!
