
Friday, 9 May 2014

Bishop Williamson and the Ukraine

Before you read this post please understand that I hold no regard for Bishop Williamson.

In fact, about three years ago I walked out of a Sunday Mass because he was the celebrant and gave a most unsuitable sermon.

However, I do remember quite vividly the 1988 'excommunication' of the four SSPX bishops and Bishop Williamson's television interview afterwards, with startling clarity.

I cannot find it on Youtube but here is the critical sentence and I am pretty confident that it is word for word accurate.

Remember that he gave this interview after the news that he and the other three had been excised from the Holy Roman Church.....this is what he said:-

"People will remember the true Church when the fire and brimstone falls from the skies; they will remember the one true Faith when the tanks begin to roll across the borders....."

That soundbite has relevance today when we regard the situation in the Ukraine.

Although we have been sheltered from world news for almost a week in holy Lourdes, it would appear as if it is only a question of time before the tanks begin to move over the borders and fire and brimstone fall from the skies.

The question is....will people remember the one true Church?

And will the Holy Father consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

I suspect that Bishop Williamson was only half right in his predictions.

Here is a clip of the consecrations in 1988...and on Monday I hope to post on the effect the consecrations had on the traditional Catholic world and how we are now seeing a reappearance of that effect.

I have not had time to view the complete clip, it is possible that the interview is included,



  1. Dear Richard
    With regards to Ukraine and Russia, I just want to say, that in my opinion at least, Putin and Russia are not the problem. There are many Russians living in the Crimea and historically this land was conquered by the Kievan Rus (Prince Rurik) around 800AD. The Rus were eventually converted to Christianity by Cyril and Methodius. Unfortunately, the Rus living in this area were conquered by the Mongols, ie Islamic Tatars and had to pay tribute to them. There are many small Islamic states in this area and Russia knows its history full well. I do believe I read somewhere that prior to Russia's "invasion" of the Ukraine, a plane flew over the territory carrying an icon of Our Lady, thus in a sense, witnessing to Christianity and imploring her aid in battle. Strategically, Russia has guaranteed its access to the Black Sea. This is very old history and nevermind that Putin was in the KGB, he and Russia know who its neignbours are.

  2. I share your regard and opinion of Bp. Williamson, even though he has confirmed more than one of my children over the years prior to his going off the deep end of the pier at high tide. I hold no regard for any of the group he now heads, and who occasionally leave anonymous and anarchist literature around the complex where I live.
    Bp. Williamsons quote is eerily similar to one Card. George made and that has been re-quoted (out of context) numerous times "...I expect to die in bed, my successor will die in prison and his successor will die a martyr in the public square...". The last sentence of his quote - often left out - brings the much needed clarity: "His successor will pick up the shards of a ruined society and slowly help rebuild civilization, as the church has done so often in human history.'
    I believe the chess pieces are in play world-wide that reflect the above quotes, including Bp. Williamson's.

  3. I don't share your opinion of Bishop Williamson at all. The Catholic Church has been infiltrated by its enemies. JP II was the first pope to go into a synagogue, etc. Now our current pope is doing this which St Pius X would never honor: Bishop Williamson speaks the truth and he is right just like Poncins, Coughlin, Fahey and many others. He is a true hero for the faith while a great many are in fear of what is revealed in the Bible in Apocalypse 2:9 and 3:9.

    May 25, 2014 1:48 pm

    Please pr Bishop Williamson speaks the truth and he is right just like Poncins, Coughlin, Fahey and many others. He is a true hero for the faith while a great many are in fear of what is revealed in the Bible in Apocalypse 2:9 and 3:9.
