
Friday, 25 April 2014

What will they 2114?

How will Catholic history judge us?

"You mean that they ignored the Latin Mass?"
Always assuming, of course, that in one hundred years from now there are a few scattered outposts of the Faithful remaining living in caves as far from bigotry and persecution as possible.

Here are a few pointers as to how they might regard us Catholics of 2014:

1. Bemused that the Novus Ordo was so widely accepted and the old Mass discarded by those who should have known better.

2. Highly entertained by the banal hymns incorporated into the liturgy since 1969.

3. Bewilderment that Bishops and Priests and other religious failed to observe the doctrinal teachings of HMC and embraced secularism.

4. Angered that so many souls were lost in the period of liberal madness.

5. Outraged at the lack of respect and reverence for the Son of God, his blessed mother and all things sacred.

6. Puzzled at the lack of leadership demonstrated by the bishops.

7. Concerned that so many Catholics disregarded the teachings of the Church and made their own rules as they went along.

8. Dumbfounded that most priests were allowed to dress as they pleased and become worldly.

9. Confused as to why the directives emanating from the Second Vatican Council were routinely ignored.

10. Disturbed by the lack of attention and reverence given to the National Shrine of Wales, Our Lady of Cardigan, supposedly equal to Walsingham in importance.


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  2. THE

    The Pope
    Is the Pope
    In cope
    Ya dope

    But never
    Was there
    Such a Pope
    To cope

    I hope
    This Pope
    Won't have
    To grope

    When he
    Finally comes
    To his

    The Pope
    Has a head
    Of argentine

    But never
    Was there
    Such a Pope
    Oh nope

    No trope
    Of hope
    He makes
    Me mope

    But he's
    And not

    The Pope
    Is the Pope
    Not soap

    But never
    Was there
    Such a Pope
    To lope

    His passive
    Pride will
    Make you

    But he's
    I must

    The Pope
    Throws a rope

    Oh nope
    The Pope

    With Christ
    From this Pope’s

    And pray
    For this
    My friend!

  3. Richard,

    Overall, you get 10 out of 10, although I’m not sure that all that many outside of Wales will worry about the National Shrine of Wales, important though that is to those in Wales.

    Slightly puzzled about directives from Vat II. As I have suggested elsewhere – or rather as Benedict has made clear - Vat II was a pastoral council which defined no dogma at all.

    What it has done, is to trigger off the biggest decline in the Church since the Protestant Reformation, and possibly a greater one, since that disaster was a disagreement about Truth, while the current attack is on the very existence of Truth itself!

    Yes as you suggest and Benedict XVIII has predicted, we will have to accept a smaller Church for a little while, two or three or possibly more centuries.

    Oh we do live in interesting times, do we not?

    1. Jacobi, you are, of course, right about the National Shrine of Wales but what, I wonder, would the English speaking world feel if Walsingham was ignored and re-established in a garden shed?
      As for VII....perhaps directives is too strong a word but there was certainly guidance as to keeping latin alive and preserving the liturgy. Since then all appear to have acted against those express wishes. God bless.

  4. succinct summary. perhaps they will read this list and go, oh well, there were some Catholics who knew what it means to keep the Faith.

  5. Inadvertently, this papacy is bringing about the collpase of Vatican II. Once all post-V2 marriages are annuled following the synod, then everything else will start to unravel. The Catholic church has been through 50 years of completely unnecessary suffering simply to satisfy the ego of a handful of fundamentalists.
