
Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Tablet "suspends" Rome correspondent

No, not like that, unfortunately
Twitter and Facebook are rich sources of snide and nasty comments and it appears that Robert Mickens, The Tablet's man in Rome has fallen foul of his own FB post.

Why, oh why, do people divulge personal  opinions on places such as Twitter and Facebook?

Now Micken's post was not just personal, it was grossly offensive referring to Pope Emeritus Benedict as 'the Rat'.

Apparently, there are many in the liberal world who call themselves Catholic but who also like to smear the good name of a good and holy man.

Valle Adurni has the story HERE


  1. Actually, the making of such comments within the public domain exemplifies the depths to which The Tablet has sunk. Perhaps now, good people who buy the rag for its reputation of old might cancel their subscriptions - and subscribe to Regina Magazine instead !

  2. Facebook has posts, not tweets.

    1. Thanks Mac, I was getting in a twist over tweets and posts!

  3. The enemies of God and His Holy Church, in high places in the Church's institutions have used such terms for Benedict for decades. When I attended classes in a theology college in Ireland in 2004 to 2005, the faculty referred to him as "King Rat" or "The Rottweiler" and were apoplectic with rage when he became Pope. Also, two "priest" lecturers I had refused to pray for Pope John Paul on his death, or Benedict, on his becoming Pope.

  4. As I've said for a few years now, lines are very visibly being drawn between the faithful and unfaithful with the true colors very clearly seen within our own Church, so much so that I believe we will see an eventual schism where a faux Church also bearing the name 'c'atholic will become manifest. There will then be The One True Catholic Church and one false imitator.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I suspect that this sort of talk about Pope Benedict XVI is considered quite acceptable in private Tablet circles, and Mickens didn't realise just how far it was from what "normal" people will tolerate. I wonder how long the suspension will last?

  7. Thanks for this excellent news! One down...and how many more pests to go at "The Tablet"?

  8. Pope Francis spoke of B16's isolation hence his decision to move out of the papal apartments. My image of Ratzinger was him arriving in an empty Church in Washington during his papal visit to the USA. To the credit of the British these acts of brazen rudeness were, for the most part, avoided when he came to the UK.

    The Anglo-Saxons in general are ashamed of this man and it's not difficult to work out why? What is odd about the British Catholic hierarchy was their lukewarmness towards JPII. When I hear Smurf talk about him, he is rarely convincing. One suspects the Smurf generation destroyed the local catholic community so that "they could look the Anglicans in the eye" whose Church self-destructed decades if not centuries ago.

    1. Is it not an act of 'brazen rudeness' to refer to 'Smurf' and the so-called 'Smurf generation'?

    2. Making a reference to a small blue fictional creature who lives in a mushroom is not quite the same as calling someone a "rat" or wishing they were dead ...

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