
Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Dear Bishop Michael......

Bloggers (Catholic ones) need honesty
Picture: Diogenes searches for an honest man - Wikipedia

An open email to Bishop Michael Campbell of Lancaster:

Dear Bishop

Firstly, I admire the fact that you have entered into the spirit of using the new technologies with your own blog.
I wish many more bishops and priests would reach out to the faithful using this medium.

I also like the fact that your posts carry a 'comments' facility but, sadly, not many (if any) comments seem to appear).

I recently sent you a comment relating to your suspension of the Reverend Deacon Nick Donnelly's blogging activities which was moderate and reasonable in tone but this appears to have been 'edited' and consigned to oblivion.

One of the elements that I have discovered with regard to blogging is that it calls for a sense of openness with regard to featuring other people's views, provided that they are appropriately phrased.

It is often uncomfortable to receive brickbats rather than bouquets but it is also a vital part of the 'comments' process.

Could you please advise those responsible for managing your blog to have the courage and the courtesy to allow reasonable comments, even if they are critical in tone?

Richard Collins



  1. Did you cc to the Papal Nuncio and the CDF?

    1. Jacobi, no, I should have done so. Thanks for the nudge.

  2. Good thinking. I have just tried to leave a message there. However, I am not convinced that the bishop even reads his own blog, let alone writes it.

    1. Do you think the Bishop listens to what he is saying?
