
Saturday, 4 January 2014

A time for blessing...

Today, we use chalk, much less messy than blood

Much has been written on the blessing of the Epiphany chalk and the subsequent 20 + C+M+B + 14 inscription that is made on your door lintel or, even, your front door.

Many priests will be preparing to bless the chalk in this quietly moving ceremony and to distribute it to their parishioners.

You may read more about it HERE, HERE and HERE.

And, if you can find a parish that does not offer the EF Mass but does offer the blessing of the Epiphany chalk........I'll eat my chocolate hat!

The letters 'C, M, B' stand for the Magi, Caspar (or Gaspar), Melchior and Balthazar.

But...some like to believe that it stands for 'Christus Mansionem Benedicat' (May Christ bless this dwelling)

I like to believe that it stands for both.

A Blessed Epiphany to all of you Gentiles!


  1. I have in the past got an individual piece of chalk blessed by a Priest. I presented it to him after Mass. I found a small stub of one of my children's chalks. Most Priests seem quite happy to bless items they are presented with, though it would be nice if it was officially done, and explained to parishoners, and there was a whole basket full to share out. It would make me feel less like the lone nut job "bothering" Father. Thanks for the reminder. Off to dig out my Crayolas.

  2. For what it's worth, a Swiss friend told me that the letters stood for 'Christus Mansionsem Benedicat', and that the three kings version is a popular interpretation.

    1. Delia - the clue is in the penultimate paragraph, God bles.

  3. How happy was my dear Grandfather when the priest would come to bless our farmhouse home. He would follow behind the priest and be moved to grateful tears while we grandchildren would hide behind his legs as we watched the priest do his holy work.

    God bless the pious Catholic priest who feeds His lambs.

  4. Only the Polish priests in my Dominican parish do this. Sadly, there are no traditional Masss in my parish - probably not for 45 years.

  5. Blessed EPIPHANY to you all

  6. I second that anon: God bless keep, and give titles to the pious Catholic priest who feeds His lambs.

  7. I learnt this morning that we too will be having the Blessing of the Chalk on Monday after the EF Mass for the Epiphany. I look forward to being able to mark my front door in this way though if the chalk is white it won't show on a white door!

  8. Corpus Christi, Brixton Hill h as been blessing and distributing chalk at Masses for Epiphany for the past 5-6 years. Each family are also given a sheet with the words to a house blessing on and a brief explanation to the tradition.
    Mass is not celebrated in the Extraordinary Form.
    Please begin to eat whenever you are ready.

    1. Just say NO to Novus OrdoJanuary 06, 2014 6:50 pm

      Sorry, Rebe. Bit I only eat Heirloom organic.

    2. Rebekah O'Keeffe, I am delighted that Corpus Christi is so traditional, one hat consumed forthwith.
