
Sunday, 19 January 2014

A Catholic family

There can be no finer ambition in life than to bring your children up in an ethos that fosters the seed of Faith and engenders piety and love of Our Blessed Lord.

It is relatively easy to do (at least, on paper) but how many Catholic families undertake such a thing?

I know of some who kneel on the left hand side of the Church who would claim that such a regime would be a form of indoctrination, I think that they are probably right; we do need to indoctrinate in the true sense of the word and that process begins very soon after birth when the new born are admitted to the family of Christ through Baptism.

And how many Catholic families sit around the dining table and recite Grace before meals?

Few, in the non traditional camp, I suspect.

When I broach the subject with non traditional Catholic friends they look at me as if I have suggested that they should barbecue the family cat......hmmm.....OK, don't let's go there.

But simple acts such as praying together, living the Christian life every hour of every day rather than just half an hour on a Sunday morning, will give children the best possible start to life.

Recently, New Liturgical Movement featured a post on the young Catholic Artist, James Gillick.

I have never met James but I have known his uncle since we were eleven year olds together at a particularly challenging Dominican school, back in the mists of time.

James Gillick's mother is no other than Victoria Gillick, upholder of Catholic parental rights in the 70s and 80s. She attended the same school (St James' Burnt Oak) but we never met as boys and girls were strictly segregated.

It was a great joy, therefore, to find a video clip showing the daily home life of James Gillick and his wife and children.
And, when I saw James for the first time in this clip, I did a double take as he looks so very similar to his Uncle Bernard whom I last saw about 55 years ago (gulp!)

I will not use the awful phrase 'role model' and, instead, state that this branch of the Gillick clan is an inspirational example of a good Catholic family.

Wikipedia also feature James Gillick HERE

And here is a video of James at work in his studio



  1. Richard,
    Excellent post and videos! All I can say what an Exemplary Catholic Family who are truly giving a wonderful witness to OLJC, His Church and Catholic Family Life-God Bless Them!:



  2. Bringing up children as practicing Catholics is easy; anyone can do it. Bringing up children who will keep the Faith after they leave home is something else. Figures show that most catholic parents can't do it. Something is missing.
