
Sunday, 22 December 2013

The Franciscan Friars......just following the Pope by saying the Latin Mass

This 2010 video clip shows Fr Pellettieri of the FFI explaining that they follow the example of St Francis when it comes to obedience to the Pope.

Trouble is......which Pope?

Fr Pellettieri is referring to Pope Benedict.

He also explains that the Order is not solely focused on the EF Mass and that it celebrates the OF Mass according to custom and to the wishes of the local Bishop.

It all sounds so very temperate and sensible.



  1. The Franciscans, many of them at any rate, clearly want and choose to celebrate Mass according to the ancient Catholic Form, which of course, St Francis himself would have used, with possible slight variation.

    No problem. They must, after all, obey the Pope, that is St Pius V, (and incidentally, Benedict XVI) who gives them the absolute right to do so. Francis I, in turn must agree with the Franciscans, since he, Francis I, cannot overrule the decision of an earlier Vicar of Christ. It’s all quite simple really!

    Fr Volpi please note!

    1. Popes can overrule previous Popes in non infallible matters and in rules of discipline. Pope Nicholas V in Romanus Pontifex (1454) gave Portugal the right to perpetually enslave newly discovered natives who declined
      the gospel...mid fourth large par. In 1537 Pope Paul III directly overruled that permision in "Sublimis Dei"..." notwithstanding whatever may have been or may be said to the contrary, the said Indians and all other people who may later be discovered by Christians, are by no means to be deprived of their liberty or the possession of their property, even though they be outside the faith of Jesus Christ."
      John Paul II went further and called slavery an intrinsic evil in Splendor Veritatis section 80 but he was incorrect because chattel slavery was given by God to the Jews in Lev. 25:46 since it is needed when prison buildings do not exist in nomad cultures.

    2. Mr Bannon.....are you familiar with Quo Primum?

    3. Richard,
      Are you familiar with the ending of Romanus Pontifex by Pope Nicholas V that gave Portugal the right to perpetual slavery over new natives? Here it is:
      " Therefore let no one infringe or with rash boldness contravene this our declaration, constitution, gift, grant, appropriation, decree, supplication, exhortation, injunction, inhibition, mandate, and will. But if anyone should presume to do so, be it known to him that he will incur the wrath of Almighty God and of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul."

      Sounds very final and yet Pope Paul III rejected it 80 years did most Popes after him.

    4. I get Bill Bannons point but I think it is misapplied. Romanus Pontifex allowed the Portuguese to enslave non Christian individuals, as individuals, in perpetuity in order to further missionary objectives. It did not allow slavery of natives in general, and certainly not Christian natives either individually or generally, in perpetuity. Neither did it give Portugal the right to confiscate the goods of non Christians in perpetuity. Sublimis Dei therefore does not contradict Romanus Pontifex since none of the benefits afforded to Portugal were bestowed in perpetuity.

      This is in contrast to Quo Primum which bestows upon priests a specific right to use the Traditional Missal in perpetuity.

  2. Are you a real man, Volpì? This is what real men love...

  3. Jacobi, bit of a nit pick here. St Francis was never a priest. Although we know he served the Mass of Ages he never actually celebrated it.


    1. Touche, sorry can't do the accent, or is it acute. I should have known, after all he said he would never receive the Host except by mouth, because his hands were unanointed!

  4. 'Trouble is......which Pope?' That's it. A Pope that doesn't look and act and consolidate what pretty much all, in the end (even if they didn't practice what they preached), of the other 266 (can anyone tell my why in the Papa Stronsay Calendar Pope Benedict XVI is called the 266th pope, yet everywhere they say francis first is the 266th pope?) popes.

    p.s. 'unknown', who cares if St Francis was a priest or even Catholic. the nit-picking days of anyone but battered faithful soldier priests and confused lay are 'over', in a hippie sort of way.

    p.s. under the 'esssaambl' of St Francis, his Pope wasn't the 'heretic'. God Bless the Fanciscans of the Immaculate. St Francis, pray for them.

    p.s.s. when did 'pastoral' become anti-Catholic?

  5. The commissar is now closing Marian shrines in addition to other friaries and suppressing almost all Marian activity. Attack deeper than just the Order....perhaps against Our Lady?


  7. EF or OF, it's just a smokescreen, there's something more to this

  8. Bill, I was about to respond and then I saw Ben's contribution which says all that I wanted to say but much more eloquently. Thank you both and a holy and blessed New Year to you.
