
Friday, 6 December 2013

The 30 second case against communion in the hand

Watch the blonde woman (centre) in the video clip.

She is present at a Mass in Rome.

She refuses to receive by mouth and takes the consecrated host away.

For what purpose?

Once upon a time, such an action would have prompted acts of reparation against such a sacrilegious act.

Now, it is common place (except at Latin Masses).


  1. agree - Holy Communion in our sinful little paws - no good reason - except in my parish it is the local culture, therefore one is not permitted to kneel and receive Holy Communion on the tongue. such is the unity of worship. I read on one site where a group of protestants in the pews urged one of their group to 'go up and get one'. She did, no notice taken by priest or parishoners. happily she felt so guilty she gave the consecrated host to an elder in her church, who respectly returned the Host to the proper priest who 'disposed of the Host in the proscribed manner'. whatever that may be.

  2. I understand that this practice originated in Holland or Germany in the 1960s. I assume that the motive was self-empowerment, the priesthood of the laity, or some equally faddish notion. Essentially arrogant and vile.

  3. Gloria TV suggests the woman is Byzantine, note how she blesses herself, and mistook Holy Communion for mere blessed bread!

  4. on. But when will it ever change?
