
Friday, 20 December 2013

Christmas?'s just a myth!

A 'myth' - but they  celebrate it just the same
I have heard this phrase uttered by seemingly intelligent and well educated people.
The sort of people who would go and view an exhibition of the artefacts and treasures of Tutankhamen, or would watch a television programme on dinosaurs.
They, apparently, have no difficulty in accepting historical facts from thousands of years before the coming of Christ but the goings on in Bethlehem a mere 735,000 days ago, they struggle with.
The Gospels are not viewed from a historical perspective, Roman manuscripts documenting the Palestinian social and political situation, ignored.
Yet they are keen to have their 'happy holiday' vacation and keener still to receive gifts.
They send out Christmas cards, enjoy the carol service from King's College and consume trolley loads of food and drink, for what purpose?
 To celebrate a myth.


  1. "To celebrate a myth."


    To all my friends
    I cannot see
    I'll pray for you
    On bended knee

    On Christmas morn
    At stable's side
    Where Christ the King
    Once did abide.

    Amidst the stench
    Of creatures low
    Yet star above
    Sent down its glow.

    First Sanctuary light
    Bold thing
    A beacon for
    The hidden King.

    And when bad men
    Snuff earthly light
    Stars are born
    To light the night.

    That's why He put the stars
    So much,
    Up in the sky
    Where men can't touch.

    For candled flames
    Men can bring low,
    Sanctuary stars
    Won't lose their glow.

    So at each stable
    Be not forlorn
    If bad men say
    "He was not born!"

    Look up O man
    The sky is flooded...
    With Sanctuary light
    Sanctuary-star studded!

  2. I think *they* are celebrating what perhaps should be called "Winterval". It's nothing to do with Christmas, except that it happens at the same time of the year. Let them celebrate their Winterval, with its singing and feasting and revelling, its snowy scenes and robins and gifts. It's OK. As for me and my house, though, we celebrate Christmas, Jesus Christ's birthday, on 25 December each year, with prayer and thanksgiving, feasting and gifts and sending cards, much the same as *they* do, but in celebration os Something quite different.
    Ian in England

    1. Ian, you are right but there are also those who acknowledge Christmas as a sort of Christian folk tale and that is so very sad.

  3. ...*of

    Ian in England, again

  4. Ian pretty much sums up what I was thinking on the way home from work tonight — call it Winterval, or Saturnalia, or Festivus, whatever they're all celebrating isn't Christmas but a pale shadow that merely shares a spot on the calendar.

    1. Tony, it is just so tragic that they accept the secular aspects but sidestep the real meaning. Good to hear from you.
