
Thursday, 19 December 2013

Cardinal Burke and the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate

What changes have been wrought in Catholic opinion and attitudes in the past 9 or 10 months alone.

But, early in 2012, Cardinal Raymond Burke was the celebrant at a Pontifical High Mass in Rome.

And the choir?

The Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate.

There are those who will exclaim and cry out "Clericalism" "Pomp" and "Ritual" but others will see evidence of reverence, beauty and innocence.

Three things stand out regarding this good Cardinal.

1. He is orthodox and does not flinch or avoid the truth of Christ when under intense pressure

2. He has long been allied with the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate Order

3. He has a devout love for the Latin Mass, the EF Mass, if you will.

Having long been aligned with the Friars, he is now maligned with them.


  1. All those who defend the unadulterated Faith are marginalised and maligned. The persecution has escalated and sadly many Catholics refuse to see it and stand up for the persecuted and the truth.

  2. A very sad development in the Church when orthodox Catholic liturgy is maligned in favour of protestant practices.

  3. pray for Cardinal Burke and his kin: “I don’t see it ( Summorum Pontificum being overturned ) as a possibility on a couple of scores. Number one, it’s universal legislation, and to reverse it would be a very serious act on the part of the Holy Father, and would have to have the most serious of reasons.”

  4. Euripides said it: "Whom the gods wish to destroy they first drive mad". For "the gods" read "the devil".

    It seems that the Church, God help Her and us, has gone quite barking mad.

    What's next?

  5. O to be maligned on behalf of The Immaculate Conception !!!

    What a wonderful privilege.

  6. "Pray much for the pope."December 19, 2013 10:54 pm

    It has to get dark before the dawn. And the dawn that we are promised and that we wait and pray for is the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart.

    Read what a holy bishop (yes, we do have a few) has to say on the Church in eclipse:

    Then join the 2014 Rosary Crusade and fight like a Catholic

    January 1 until June 8, 2014

    Goal: 5 million Rosaries

    1) To implore from the Immaculate Heart of Mary a special protection for the traditional apostolate;
    2) For the return to Tradition within the Church;
    3) For the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the consecration of Russia.


    1) Prayer and penance as asked for at Fatima;
    2) Sanctification through the duty of state;
    3) Spirit of sacrifice in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

    @Zephyrinus Oh, how right you are!!!

    "Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in array?"

  7. Left-footer said:

    "It seems that the Church...has gone quite barking mad."

    No, the bad men in the Church know exactly what they're doing. But then, so does Our Lord and we must continue the "long battle of defeat" but battle, we must!!


    Do a little dance
    Make a little mess
    Put down that rite
    Put down that rite!

    Do a Bishop prance
    Feign a humble stance
    It's out a sight
    It's out a sight!

    Franciscan babes
    Pull it together
    You didn't do
    What you should do

    The Latin rite
    Is used to tether
    St. Pius the Tenth's
    Point of view


    The other guys
    Say Latin Mass
    Same way
    Same kind

    But always near
    Society's brass
    To come to them
    If change of mind


    A rival good
    To God's own good
    By every Chapel
    Of St. Pius

    Where we plan
    As well we should
    To lure away
    And then they'll try us


    So Franciscan babes
    You'll have to go
    You don't obey
    Our church of people

    Our plans entice
    Shrink men to mice
    Then shut you down
    Obeying sheeple...

    Do a little dance
    Make a little mess
    Put down that rite
    Put down that rite!

    Do a Bishop prance
    Feign a humble stance
    It's out a sight
    It's out a sight!

  8. Of course the FIs greatest friend and in essence a 'cardinal protector' is also no longer in favor, having been removed already from two of his posts. This holy man is also persecuted which only gives greater credence to his holiness.
