
Thursday, 28 November 2013

To Blackfen, the bloggers' parish of Our Lady of the Rosary

Memories of the inaugural meeting that
determined the establishment of the Guild
Tomorrow I shall board the Iron Horse in Pembrokeshire to begin my journey to Blackfen where, on Saturday, 30th November, Feast of St Andrew, the Guild of Blessed Titus Brandsma will gather for Mass at 10.30am followed by Benediction and Confessions and then a talk by Dr Adrian Treloar on 'Medical aspects of Miracles: Drawing us to Faith'

And, at 1pm a fine lunch in the Parish clubhouse (donations to be made for the victuals).

Finally, at 2.30pm an informal meeting.

All good, sound, orthodox Catholic stuff.

I look forward to it immensely.

If you are joining the merry throng, you may find the 'How to get to Blackfen' directions from the parish website helpful.
They are to be found HERE.

And, if you are unable to be there, please spare a prayer for the Guild and its followers.

So, there will be a brief intermission and posts will resume as normal on Monday 2nd December.


  1. I'm afraid I can't see you properly on my little phone. Hope the meeting of the Guild goes well. God bless you all.

  2. Richard. It was good to meet up with you at Blackfen, on Saturday.

    Thank you very much for taking such time and trouble to travel all the way from the Beautiful Wild Lands of Pembrokeshire. I'm delighted that the Iron Horse was running, and not affected by "Engineering Works".

    Keep up the excellent Blog and I look forward to meeting you, again, next time the Blognic takes place.

    in Domino.

    1. Zephyrinus, it was a pleasure for me to be in such exalted company and thank you for your words of encouragement.
      I have added your esteemed blog to my blog list.
      God bless.

  3. I read today, with dismay, but not surprise, that Deacon Nick Donnelly is being pressurised to censor or shut down his blog, Protect the Pope (the blog decries all of the scandals within the Church without fear or favour). He mentions this in a comment under a post on the Farm St LGBT scandal. I would ask that all fellow orthodox Catholic bloggers give Deacon Donnelly their support. He does a great service for the Church and the world.

    1. It is scandalous that PTP is being placed under pressure. Support guaranteed from this source.
