
Saturday, 23 November 2013

The two Masses and a stark comparison

If you are a devotee of the new Mass, you may not wish to watch this video. It leaves you in no doubt as to which form of the Mass is the most profound, most reverent and most focused on the Holy Trinity.

There are, however, some OF Masses that have a far greater aura of sanctity than the example shown.
Where Latin is used and the Mass celebrated ad orientem.

But, even so, there is a stark difference between the two.

We should not forget that many priests 'have' to celebrate Mass in the Ordinary Form.

Immense pressure would be brought to bear on them if they attempted to introduce the Mass of all Time, the Latin Mass.

O gentle Jesus, call Thy priests back to Thee. 
Lay open their hearts to hear Thy call, and answer Thy call with fervour and a burning love to lead Thy flocks to Thee. Amen.


  1. That is pretty reverent compared to some of the OF Masses that I have experienced Richard and not just in the early days of experimentation either. On one memorable occasion a football was presented at the Offertory and remained on the altar right throughout Mass. The rational for this was that the team that the PP supported had just won an important game!!! Perhaps a regular supporter of the OF may wish to enlighten us poor souls of the deep meaning behind this.

  2. Introibo, absolutely correct. A few years ago in Amsterdam I witnessed a Mass conducted on a card table, ignoring the traditional altar in the correct position in the sanctuary.
    The priest strolled up and down the aisle much in the style of an evangelical Protestant pastor.

  3. Just like many Priests are "forced" to celebrate the OF, many laity also have no choice but to attend them.

  4. RED

    Vestments of red
    Altar cloth too
    Martyrs who bled
    Did this for you.

    Gold Tabernacles
    Veiled in red’s hue
    Martyrs in shackles
    Hung for this view.

    Red mums full bloomed
    In water and brass
    Martyrs consumed
    Burned for this Mass.

    Red rays of sun
    Rose-streak the nave
    Their suffering done –
    Now red we must crave!

  5. The Ashokan Farewell playing through the Offertory of the OF is not liturgical music!

    1. Agreed Stephanie, and guitars, harmonicas, tambourines and Peruvian nose flutes should all be banned.
