
Sunday, 11 August 2013

New Magazine for Catholic Men

And why not?

We have 'Men's Hour' and 'Listen with Father' on the radio, 'It ain't 'alf hot Dad' on the television, so it's only logical that a Catholic 'lads mag' should take to the newstalls.

Do I hear gasps of horror from the Shires?

Are dentures shattering on the floor in Macklin street?

And, what do you think it's title is?

'Fratres?' - no, think again,

'Homo?' - no, don't be silly.

Got it! - it's 'Rex!'

Yes, correct. There really is a mag for the Catholic adult male called 'Rex'.

For the Catholic man about town

But that rhymes know....s*x. The word banned before Vatican II.

Eeek! - Now do you have a tingling sensation down your right arm? Stabbing pains in the chest?
Is it difficult to draw breath?

Take a look at the content (but only if you're over 18 and up to date with your statins)

See it HERE


  1. The lady in the zebra costume appears to have a bad smell up her nose!

  2. Patricius, I think she has just read a copy of The Tablet.
