
Saturday, 24 August 2013

Can we survive the growth of Islam?


Not according to this clip on Muslim demographics....."in a very few years, Europe, as we know it, will cease to exist".



  1. We have contracepted and aborted ourselves out of existence.

  2. Can? Yes.

    Will? Some of us, at least.

    Shall? I pray so.

    Simon Platt

  3. Can the Church survive? Yes, but not necessarily in Europe, because:

    Western Catholicism has been so weakened, from within, by the post-Vatican II Modernist assault, that most Catholics do not know their Faith, and have become ever more Secularised. Catholics continue to walk away from the dumbed-down version of Catholicism now available, or as has been said, those remaining are contracepting themselves out of existence. Our leaders, the Successors of the Apostles, do not see the danger, or for whatever reason, do nothing to counter it.

    Islam is a rapidly growing force ready and determined to fill this vacuum. They have faith in their heretical creed, they have an effective strategic body in the Muslim Brotherhood, they have enormous financial resources, and will use any method whether persuasion or violence to achieve their ends.

    They have the great advantage that their opponents, Christianity on the one hand, seems unwilling for whatever reason to counter them, and the other opponent, Secularism, simply does not appreciate the danger, or is too frightened to do anything about it.

    1. Secularists simply use Islam as an excuse to attack Christianity and Christians - that is its usefulness. However, they may not realise how hard it will be to suppress the Muslims when they've defeated the Christians, as they see it.

  4. Jacobi and Lyndas comments are spot on. The solution? The consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as requested at Fatima.I know Pope Francis intends a consecration of the world which in itself is a good thing but it like previous consecrations falls short of what is required.Our Lady of Fatima pray for us.Is there is some significance in the name of Fatima with respect to the Muslims ?
