
Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Are you planning on giving the woman of your dreams a gift?

What's it going to be?

I mean, this has got to be a gift for a very special you're really going to push the boat out, right?

Well, here are one or two suggestions so that you may be good and ready for the special day -
August 15th - The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary:-

First and foremost has got to be the gift of reciting the Rosary on her great day. And, a pledge to continue to do so, daily from then on.

Secondly, reach the mother through the Son......acts of mortification are in order, made as a thanksgiving or, for a special cause such as the return of the Latin Mass or on behalf of those who blaspheme the Holy Name.

Thirdly, attend Mass, not just because it is an obligation but out of love for your mother.

And, fourthly, stand and sing the 'Salve Regina' at the top of your voice in your local supermarket - you will find that it will make a huge impression.

NB: The fourth point may not be such a great idea....just humming it would please Our Lady, though.


There will be a Low Mass on 15th August at 11.30am at St Edmund of Canterbury and the English Martyrs, Old Hall Green, Nr Ware.


  1. Breaking news!There will be Mass in the Extraordinary form at st John's cathedral Portsmouth,on Thursday,the Feast of the Assumption at 7pm.(NOT IN THE SIDE CHAPEL,BUT AT THE MAIN ALTAR)Deo Gratias.

  2. Sandy, now that really is breaking news! Excellent.

  3. News (not really breaking) but nonetheless!
    Missa Cantata, Feast of the Assumption, Sacred Heart Morriston, MENEVIA, at 12 noon. Followed by lunch in the garden.

  4. Elaine.....makes me feel homesick!

  5. Richard,
    Masses for the Assumption of BVM in Hexham & Newcastle North of England:
    St Mary's, Forest Hall, Newcastle upon Tyne will have Low Mass celebrated at 12 noon
    SS Joseph, Patrick & Cuthbert at Coxhoe, Co Durham celebrated at 12noon
    St Mary's in Barnard Castle, Co Durham at 7.30pm.(LMS)
    NB:There will be NO Mass celebrated this year at SSPX-Church Of The Holy Name Of Jesus Bensham Gateshead!



  6. Michael - excellent news, shame about the SSPX....I did not realise that they were celebrating the NO Mass :)

  7. 'NO Mass celebrated by the SSPX'
    Surely that should go straight to 'newsflash' ahead of breaking news and just news :)

  8. Richard/Elaine,
    Thanks, I see the pun!: THERE WILL-BE NO TLM Or Any other form of Mass celebrated this year at SSPX Church in Gateshead for the feast of the Assumption I hope this qualifies the word NO NO NO!


