
Monday, 29 July 2013

The Latin Mass banned by Rome?

Disturbing news originating from Vatican journalist Sandro Magister (not necessarily right in his information).

Australia Incognita has the story and pray.

It could be the end of this...

Which way to the SSPX?


  1. This is surely illegal, as well as patently unjust?? So persecution of the Faithful from Bishops, etc. will escalate?

  2. It will cause many faithful, recently re-united to leave the church in their droves and join the SSpx. Thank goodness they didn't sign over their right to celebrate the traditional mass to Rome. If this new ruling prevents the traditional mass being celebrated in Menevia, I will be the first out the door! Lets hope and pray it won't come to that. Interestingly I wonder if it will be a new purpose and way of life for the lms?

  3. One cannot leave the Barque of Peter to join the schismatic Lefebvrians. Loyalty to Peter is what is needed not a rejection of that authority.

  4. Brian, the SSPX is not schismatic.

  5. I'd be interested to know how large this core of dissatisfied religious is compared with the total membership of the FFI. I think then we'd have a better idea whether there has been a widespread and serious division within its ranks or whether there's a wider agenda.

  6. As I have commented elsewhere, the Latin Mass can no more be banned by Rome, or the Pope himself, any more than the Assumption can be declared to be no longer binding on Catholics, by Rome or the Pope himself.

    We are the Catholic Church,the Mystical Body of Christ on Earth, not a vacillating dictatorship of the elected.

  7. It could very well be the SSPX will be the last remnant of the Catholic Church. With the apparent war against the TLM, where else will Traditional Catholics go for the Timeless Mass? Perhaps it is a sign the end of this age is near when the Pope and most of the clergy have fallen into the beguilement of Modernisim. As St. Athanasius said: Athanasius against the world. Now it is Traditional Catholic Mass and tradition versus the madness of this world. Domine, miserere nobis. +JMJ+

  8. Before jumping to conclusions, one has to ponder, what is going on inside the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate before passing judgment on the Holy Father. There could be a very good reason as to why this is taking place here.

  9. A Friar of the Immaculate on the Latin Mass Society Pilgrimage
    to Walsingham in 2011

    "Messa in Latino and Chiesa has the shocking - in the literal sense - news that the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate have a new Superior, not a member of the Order but a Capuchin, Fidenzio Volpi, and that the priests of the Order have been forbidden to say the Traditional Mass in public or private, without special permission. This is effective from Sunday 11th August."

    "This superior has been imposed on the Order by higher authority, replacing the founder, Fr Manelli."

    "I have independent corroboration for the truth of this story. No doubt more details will emerge."

    "The Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, an order founded in 1969, have an apostolate in Stoke on Tent in England, where the Traditional Mass is celebrated every Sunday - or has been until now. It was recently announced that they will not be extending the five-year arrangement with the Archdiocese of Birmingham by which they run this parish, and so will in any case be leaving in September. The Sisters of the Order have both active and, at Lanherne in Cornwall, contemplative, houses in England. Lanherne went completely over to the Traditional Mass, Office, and other customs a few years ago."

    "The order has been moving in a Traditional direction for some years, and has recently been, for practical purposes, bi-ritual. Other orders and communities have developed in a similar way. Whenever there is change in an order, or for that matter resistance to change, there will be disagreements. I hope and pray that the Friars resolve these matters amicably, justly, and with due regard for the pastoral needs of the Faithful they serve around the world." - taken from Fish Eaters Forum - Also from the same place: 1) Canonically speaking, this is entirely acceptable. Like it or not, the Mass of Paul VI is what is ordinary, and one cannot outlaw what is ordinary.

    2) Related to one, but if division is happening due to two rites or two forms within a community, the one which is ordinary would be chosen if only one could be chosen.

    3) As a religious order, they're first and foremost to look after their family, with the laity gaining benefits in the process. This is likely a family matter, and if Pope Francis stepped in it was to deal with the family issue.

  10. No surprise that this has happened.There are elements within the church and also outside of the church that do not want the TLM. Do not be surprised if the TLM comes under further attack.In the meantime it is important that every support possible is given to priests and societies who wish to celebrate the TLM.
    Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.

  11. This is an issue of discipline, not liturgy. Have a look at which includes statements from the friars themselves.

  12. Luke, if it is an issue of discipline, why bar the celebration of this form of Mass?
    There are many ways of imposing discipline on an order.
    I wonder how it would be regarded if it was the OF Mass that was banned.

  13. Peg Demetris - I am not passing judgement on the Holy Father but I do question why the EF Mass is being used as a form of discipline. Hopefully, before long, we will have clarity.

  14. I wonder if the Russian orthodox Church Outside Russia will reopen their Western Rite Vicariate in response to this
