
Friday, 5 July 2013

If you walk in a westerly direction

Assuming that you are in England somewhere, you will, most probably, come to Wales, a green and pleasant land populated by sheep and a roguish, likeable race of Irish and Italian descent.

And if you keep walking taking a point that is close to the middle, in north/south terms, you will come to the unassuming town of Cardigan, home to a certain type of knitwear and twinned with a similar Welsh town in the east called, Raglan (ahem).

Visitors to this pleasant place will encounter the extraordinary generosity of Cardigan folk who like to shower guests with gifts of cash with elastic string quaintly attached.

And Cardigan is also home to the Welsh National Shrine of Our Lady; once one of the major sites of pilgrimage for thousands who flocked there on foot facing outlaws and vagabonds, poor roads and inclement weather conditions.

Even in 2008 there were a goodly few who would travel to the Shrine of Our Lady of the Cardigan to pay homage to the Mother of God.

But then, something happened....who knows what?

And the pilgrimages became, how can I put it? Less well attended.

And now - there is no pilgrimage. Dim pilgrimageo as they would say in Wales.

We have had Chartres, Holywell is, I believe, this weekend and Walsingham is to come in August.....but nothing for Our Lady of Cardigan.

Why? Because people will not travel, they say.

But travel is an integral part of any why?

I know why...but Catholic charity forbids me to say more other than, pilgrimages are not about numbers.

They are about paying tribute to Mary our mother and to the worship of Almighty God.

What would it take to organise a successful 2014 pilgrimage to the National Shrine?

Not much, here are a few starting points:-

1. Juventutem to form a Cardiff branch

2. Appoint a well known priest (or Bishop) to lead the pilgrimage

3. Create a programme of devotions (Rosary procession through the town)

4. Invite like minded organisations to play an equable role

5. Apply to Rome for a specific indulgence

And also throw a bit of money at the project.....with no elastic string attached!



  1. I suspect Our Lady of the Taper is also missing it's former parish priest who has an incredibly strong Marian devotion.

    Not to have a national pilgrimage is an embarrassment to Wales and I must admit to being part of the problem because I haven't made it in years. Be that as it may, to cancel it altogether seems absurd.

  2. Luke, may thanks for that but I should have stated that there is or was an OF Pilgrimage quite recently...I tend to only think in EF terms, sorry.

  3. Your description of Wales makes me want to go! Sounds like a great place, elastic strings and all.

  4. Very inspiring! Pilgrims should, however, be warned not to linger too long in Wales or they might find themselves viewed as spare body-parts!

  5. What would it take to organise a successful 2014 pilgrimage to the National Shrine?

    Point 1 is in play. 2 -4 needs more than money. That pesky "Spirit of Vatican II" is at work.

    The Welsh National Pilgrimage to Lourdes is having a "fallow" year in 2013.

    Perhaps it should be suggested to the organisers here that a home grown Pilgrimage as replacement be publicised.

    You are right in pointing out that we lack spiritually and not materially. Perhaps Juventutum should lead the way for the oldies who are so used to being fractious and divided that cannot organise anything by the look of it?

  6. Well, according to our parish newsletter ((Aberystwyth) the annual pilgrimage takes place next Saturday (July 13th).

  7. Anon @ 10.29 - but that is the OF Pilgrimage. I only think in EF terms.

  8. Why am I not surprised..your loss.

  9. Your blog gives the false impression that there is no pilgrimage of any sort to the Shrine of Our Lady of the Taper, Cardigan, whereas this will be its 20th year in succession taking place on July 13th ( that's next Saturday ).
    No less valid for not being EF, surely.

  10. Anons (various) please leave a name it appears as if you are afraid to show who you are. This is a Latin Mass blog...what on earth did you expect?
    And, of course, the OF is the poor relation to the EF, water instead of milk.

  11. Nicandro, many thanks. I hope that Welsh Catholics listen to your comments.
    Patricius - brilliant as always.

    Jay, perhaps we should stage a family reunion!

    Anon @ 8.49 - how could anyone describe attendance at a Latin Mass as being a loss?

  12. Richard, living on the Lancashire coast if I walk westwards I will end up in serious trouble.If the pilgrimage does take place then in order to attend I would need permission to head off in a southerly direction.Hope it takes place, Cardigan is always worth a visit.

  13. If anyone fancies providing the money aspect, the rest would be easy to organise. I love a good pilgrimage, me! Contact me for bank transfers.

  14. I was not serious about the bank transfer, by the way.

  15. Many thanks Rod, I would not have you in serious trouble, head due south.
    Rhoslyn, maybe you know of a certain organisation who might throw a bit of money at the prospect???? I'm sure you have influence in those quarters :)
