
Sunday, 14 July 2013

Feminists, homosexuals? misunderstood

H/T to St Peter's List for this...


  1. These women appear to be acting under a demonic influence. There were similar displays of taunting, intimidation and gloating by pro- abortionists outside the Dail Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evening, last week as they celebrated the passage of a bill to provide for the systematic intentional killing of children in utero.

  2. I agree, Lynda. My first thought was 'demonic'. Here in the States, the demons are raging over the recent law just passed in Texas to ban any abortions beyond 20 weeks. They all seem possessed, so full of rage. Looks like the same demons to me.

  3. Blessed is that Priest when they revile him and persecute him...

    God bless him.


  4. For those who (like me!) like to pray for our priests and bishops by name: the cleric in the picture is Archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard, head of the diocese of Mechelen-Brussels in Belgium.
