
Wednesday, 3 July 2013

A call to prayer from.....

...Channel Four.....and....Catholic Secondary Schools in Southwark Archdiocese.

  Southwark or Saudi Arabia - hard to tell

Good old conservative Channel Four is to feature the Muslim call to prayer throughout the fasting period of Ramadhan this year.

You know Ramadhan? It's the time when devout Muslims fast from before dawn till sundown (a long period in British Summertime) and, at either end, stuff themselves with as much grub as is humanly possible.
Fast and feast.

In this process they operate lathes and commercial guillotines, drive buses, trains and lorries as well as conduct brain surgery, all without the benefit of energy generating food.

At all of the Colleges that I have worked in, we would bar Muslim students from using any dangerous machinery during Ramadhan; the capacity for seriously injuring themselves, and others is immense.

 But following closely on the heels of Channel Four is the Archdiocese of Southwark.

Archbishop Peter Smith has conducted an investigation into the diversion of hard pressed resources into the provision of Muslim Prayer Rooms in no less than ten (yes, ten) of his schools.

And, to cut a long story short, he is cool about it.

In fact, he sees it as his bounden duty to make such provision.

He didn't actually say: "We're all members of the same club" but he might just as well have done so.


63 good Catholics and true, signed the letter querying this most dubious of practices but ++ Smith has waved two episcopal fingers at all just to tell us to keep our noses out of Southwark madrassas practices and to let him get on with what he started so successfully in Cardiff.

And Archbishop Mennini, whom we have kept in the loop, has stated that he has no jurisdiction in such matters..but....but....but....

....he has hinted that he will have a word in someone's ear (my words, not his).

He was bit more forthright, good man that he is.

Now, I hope that I am not reading too much into that phrase but isn't the sentence:
"Have a word in his ear" Cosa Nostra speak for "I'm sending some of da boys round as we speak" - meaning: "He will never walk in a straight line again"

The more I see of our Nuncio, the more impressed I am.

He is a true Godfather in every sense of the word.


  1. "Archbishop Peter Smith has conducted an investigation into the diversion of hard pressed resources into the provision of Muslim Prayer Rooms in no less than ten (yes, ten) of his schools."

    Absolutely awful. This is akin to stealing money from Catholics to fund Islam's "soft Jihad". Once Muslim's have their own Prayer Room in a Catholic School, they've basically invaded the Fort. And Muslim's know it.

    Why they can't go and pray in a Catholic Church (children's Mass) or pray with the other Catholics in assembly or other, I don't understand, because, as we know, Jesus is one of their prophets and they esteem Mary in the Koran.

    Why can't the Archbishop put our Catholicism on a high pedastal? Why can't he be a bit more triumphant?

    1. " ... they've basically invaded the Fort."

      It's called mosquing the school, I believe.

  2. Damask, they deny the Crucifixion, that's why.

  3. We are all children of Abraham...David Abraham the C4 CEO that is. In the world of media gimmicks we should thank God that he hasn't gone the same way with Catholics. Maybe we should broadcast the Angelus bells sponsored by Bill Gates Condoms? A public-service broadcasting organisation?

  4. Matthew

    They deny the Crucifixion, and then get their own Prayer Room anyhow. Are we enabling the denial then?

    (Like with doing First Holy Communion in the Parish now because it may be deemed too intense for non-Catholic children in our Catholic primary schools.)

    I know they deny Jesus is the Son of God and call Him a servant of God. But still.

    Why can't they just go to the Library to pray, a meeting room, empty class room...? (Am I being mean?)

    We are not witnessing to our Faith. But surely by granting Prayer Rooms to Muslims, Muslim children's faith has been witnessed to in a Catholic School.

  5. Damask Rose said they have invaded the fort. Yes that very fort that has been betrayed by those that should have defended it.Anyone who thinks we should provide prayer rooms for muslims should read the reports copiled by Aid To The Church In Need and see how catholics and other christians are treated in muslim countries.
    ++ Peter Smiths response was no surprise. With a track record like his what else would you expect.

  6. This ""Have a word in his ear" Cosa Nostra speak for "I'm sending some of da boys round as we speak" - meaning: "He will never walk in a straight line again"

    Made me laugh so work! My boss is confused as to why I'm laughing about an archbishop.

  7. Moslems, pop culture (cough), and our worldly governments humiliate and persecute Christians as the core of their existence; bishops as the core of their existence try desperately to gain the approval of Moslems, pop culture, and our governments.
