
Saturday, 29 June 2013

Is this the most moving clip of the year?

Watching this clip reinforces my belief in the sanctity of the Extraordinary Form of Mass but, more than that, it makes me realise how privileged are the altar servers, there, standing within a few feet of the Body and Blood of Our Blessed Lord.

Witnessing the most intimate and reverent moments of the Mass, the Host lying helpless on the paten, the priest's fore finger and thumb locked to exclude any chance of dishonouring the Host by touching the Body of Christ with fingers that may have brushed across the altar server's sleeve or the cloth on the altar.

A happy and holy Feast of St Peter and St Paul to all!

My thanks to Fr J for guiding me to the video....


  1. Thank you, Richard. This is beautiful. I may "steal" it for a post on my own blog!

  2. You would be most welcome Jay. After all, you were a Collins once!

  3. We owe a stunning vote of thanks to SSPX and those priests who kept the Tridentine Mass alive and to Benedict XVI, not to mention FSSP and the others. God bless them and speed SSPX's reconciliation with Rome.

    Ian in England

  4. Thank you Elizabeth.
    Ian, I quite agree and also the ICKSP.
