
Monday, 10 June 2013

"Hallo Mary, full of grace.........."


There is a particular type of academic, or pseudo academic, who appears to place more importance on the political correctness of the spiritual life than in, say, piety or reverence or, even, prayer.

Now, as most of you will know, I am untainted by the Novus Ordo, I only attend, if necessary, at funerals or weddings (more funerals these days).

And the high jinxes of the congregation and, very often, the priest, leave me feeling that my purpose in life has ended and the world has finally gone round the twist.

A few weeks ago, at the candlelight procession in Fatima, the Rosary was recited as normal.

Just as at Lourdes, different nationalities took it in turns to say the decades.

First we had the Portuguese version, (naturally), then the French, Spanish and so on until it was Britain's turn.

I have often wondered what is meant by 'estuarial English', now I know.

The female's voice was distinctly the wrong end of the Thames Valley, not improved by the fact that she appeared to have a clothes peg on the end of her nose.

But worse was to come. She recited the Hail Marys in the fashion of the day.

No 'Thys' or 'Thous' went something like this:-

"Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus"

Perhaps that is how everyone says the Rosary these days; but it grated, sounding vile and worldly and it has led me into researching more into the sin of inclusivity that seems to have permeated HMC over the past 25 years in particular.

This may seem trivial but, as Father Baker of Downham Market once said about the post V2 changes: "The Church has been put in a boiler suit".

And saying the 'Hail Mary' in this fashion is just another example of pc stupidity, reducing what should be holy to street level.

In my researches I have come up with some interesting findings......more, much more on the inclusive language agenda that is being shoved down the throats of the gullible Catholic; but that is something thee will have to wait for.


  1. Have you noticed that people no longer say "Our Lord" any more,or is it just me?.

  2. "Hail Mary full of grace, blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus"

    That is not how I have EVER heard it in England and Wales but I did hear that in Rome- in the church of Santa Pudenziana which is used by the Filipino community. Perhaps "the wrong end of the Thames Valley" was the Philippines?

  3. I have never heard this version of the Hail Mary. Mass here is always in the vernacular, but I have noticed the same thing happening subtly in hymns, and I don't mean modern ones.

  4. Sandy, that is a sad thing and indicative of the state we are in.
    Patricius, relieved to hear it is not the norm but there are many stout Philipino Catholics and I would not like to attach blame to them (as I know you would agree).

  5. Dear Richard and Fellow Recusants,

    I don't know what a boiler suit it, but in Texas the post-V2 Church is costumed in an AC/DC tee, knee pants, flip-flops, and a gimme cap promoting the wearer's faith in a professional sports team (probably not Arsenal). That's for weddings and funerals, of course; for Mass most folks don't dress quite as nicely.

    1. Living in Texas, your assessment is, for the most part, right on the money!

  6. My father who is of the sixties' generation uses "you"; it drives me mad! He picked it up decades ago from Charismatic type organisations/influences. "You" is also used in English translation of the Mass.

  7. late sixties A visiting cousin priest (ie stateside, no blood relation), no clown stuff, no trehuggery,nonplussed at Uk parish thouing.In English , he youed. I Visit Uk often enough and around the place enough to be surprised at what you say .
    But, think on, out of 300 million stateside, 25% of whom were baptized Catholic, , any smallest group outnumbers ALL Uk Catholics lapsed included.
    It's irritating, but understandable , if The US variant of English passes muster in the Church abroad.
    More could be said.

  8. I am almost 18. I was always taught at my schools and in my family to use the "thees/thous/thys" in the Ave Maria. Traditionalists weren't telling me this; this seems to be the case with many of my fellows, as well. Who knows how the "you"s got rotated into the Ave Maria. It's a loss, IMHO, and I don't want that to happen to me.

  9. Thanks all; Mack a boiler suit is a set of workmen's overalls, a sort of bib and trousers all in one. It may also be used in the following sentence thus: "I left my boiler suit in my boot (trunk) because I have to work under the bonnet (hood) today" :)

  10. Sorry, small point:
    Not "something thee will have to wait for" but "something thou will (or wilt) have to wait for". Thee is accusative case. It's a bit like saying "something me will have to wait for" versus "something I will have to wait for".

    I did get your point, though :)

    Ian in England

  11. are right (dammit!) - thanks Ian.

  12. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh on the boiler suits. Here in Texas, overalls or coveralls, depending on the construction.

    If only more folks wore their work clothes to Mass before or after their shifts -- police officers, nurses and doctors, refinery operators, office workers. That would be wonderful. Stupid I-wanna-be-a-soldier camouflage and Che Guevera tees, not so much.

  13. Can anyone explain why the French, when addressing God the Father in the Pater Noster, use the familiar 'tu', but when addressing Our Lady in the Ave Maria, use the polite 'vous'?

    'Je vous salue, Marie' seems rather formal when it's your Mother you're talking to.

  14. Same dress code can be found in Boisr ID USA
