
Sunday, 26 May 2013

Could a signal be sent to Rome?

Could we, possibly, with every best intention, send a message to the Holy Father by........

....not having a Latin Mass Pilgrimage to Chartres next year?

Instead, could we have a combined pilgrimage involving Latin Mass followers
  and SSPX followers?

You may be aware that, each year, within a few days of each other, mainstream orthodox Catholicism has a pilgrimage from Paris to Chartres while, the SSPX hold one from Chartres to Paris.

That just seems plain b****y silly.

We are so close. We are one surely?

It is licit to attend SSPX Masses.

And, from the SSPX point of view, traditional mainstream Catholic Masses are legit (despite what one or two more prejudiced priests might say).

That they all may be one, as thou, Father, in me, and I in thee; that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou hast given me, I have given to them; that they may be one, as we also are one: I in them, and thou in me; that they may be made perfect in one: and the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast also loved me. 

Just imagine the force of 25,000 or 30,000 Catholics marching, singing and praying together. 
Please pray that both sides will come together ignoring the spite and contempt that will be levelled at them and join as one on this great Pilgrimage for 2014.

Here is an account of what already takes place; a meeting of two great forces for Christ:

A sense of unity among the two pilgrimages is nothing new.  Each year the lay leaders of the two pilgrimages—brothers in the old Faith—meet briefly at the halfway point in order to raise a glass to the Catholic Cause they all attempt to serve. But this year, an even stronger sense that Tradition is rising and Traditionalists are uniting prevailed throughout Pentecost weekend in France.  Bishop Fellay preached  a sermon to the SSPX pilgrims, for example, in which he recalled the example of St. Joan of Arc and the apparent hopelessness of the situation in her time, just before God Himself raised up a champion, The Maid. “Do we have the right to stay where we are?” asked Bishop Fellay. We do not have the final say “yes” or “no” for “he who wants to recognize our Fraternity is the Pope himself.”  Whatever one thinks of the situation between the SSPX and the Vatican, it cannot be denied that we’re all witnessing history in the making.

From: The Remnant (plus picture)


  1. It's only a matter of time demographics. The average age at Chartres was said to be 21. Thousands there. Our parish is empty. The weekly brochure did not even mention Corpus Christi- edged out by yet another cake and tea party so people are too busy for a mass. No disrespect to the elderly intended here but the Novus Ordo "Church of Nice" is unrecognisable as a Latin Rite Catholic Church now when compared to the Sprit coming at them from both ways to and from Chartes.

  2. Regarding the comment that it is "licit to attend SSPX Masses." The Latin mass community newsletter here in Melbourne,last year,had a notice about the death of one of their number and his funeral was being held at am SSPX Church in the SE of Melbourne. There was a note to say that it was not licit to take the Sacrament at the Requiem mass as the SSPX were not in fellowship with Rome.

  3. Correct Gervaise, they are not.

  4. And now Damian Thompson has a news piece on a neo nazi /BNP takeover of the SSPX .
    If that happens then they should be excommunicated forthwith

  5. Gervase, it is a little unclear but while not being in fellowship with Rome, an SSPX Mass may be licitly attended provided that there is a full acceptance of the the Holy Father in one's intentions. That is, if you were to attend Mass with a sede vacantist belief it would be illicit.

  6. NIPO, your comment encapsulates much of what is wrong with liberal Catholicism, thank you. Please keep up the good work in Cardiff, I've added LMS Cardiff to my bloglist.

  7. Why so much anti SSPX ? After all The Immemorial Mass of All Ages isn't for show . By the way isn't the Latin Rite Mass at Canterbury noteworthy ?

  8. Anonymous, I am far from being anti SSPX...others, less so. Please enlarge on the Canterbury Mass.

    1. Richard, I wasn't clear. I Did Not mean you anti
      Eponymous Flower, on Home Page. Posted around 25
      May : "Two Historic Events in Notre Dame and
      Canterbury Cathedrals" Immemorial Mass of All Ages". Video from the Remnant.

  9. Richard,
    Indeed- May we All be One! Thank God for the SSPX who in these dark days of apostasy are keeping the flame of Catholic Truth and Tradition burning!
    Also Cardinal Hoyos, the former President of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, has stated: " that a Catholic that receives the sacraments from the SSPX incurs no penalty of sin or excommunication." Happy St. Bede's Day to You ALL.


  10. If you had to put up with what we have to in Arundel and Brighton you would welcome the SSPX with open arms.Long may they stand up for tradition in a Sea of ageing hippies.

  11. Tony Flavin is an A&B sycophant - glass houses and stone throwers?
