
Monday, 15 April 2013

How to stay positive and keep the Faith

Look, life as we know it could end tomorrow if North Korea kicks off or Iran, Israel, Russia, India, Pakistan and so on.

Our Catholic life is also uncertain;the new Holy Father is in the process of taking over the reins and, judging from yesterday's Mass at St Paul's Without the Walls in Rome, things are a bit muddled at present.

Note the mix up over reception of Holy Communion.

Some priests indicated only by mouth while others happily placed the Host in the hand. There can only be one right way so let's have some clarity please HF. Let's have leadership as well as humility, please.

As always, I turn to Archbishop Fulton Sheen at times of trial and tribulation.

He has an excellent series on world crisis, and personal suffering; physical and mental.

We can look forward to our tears being wiped from our eyes....nothing can harm us.....God is our Father.



  1. as one of those priests who lives in Rome and has administered Holy Communion at papal masses for a long while, there is a clear direction for the MCs to the distribution of Holy Communion at such papal events which large numbers of pilgrims and tourists, the normative manner is on the tongue with the latin formula " Corpus Christi" and that all must be done for a dignified distribution which prevents the passing of the Sacred Host from one faithful to another. the priests giving communion at the hand are choosing not to follow the directions of the MCs and in seeming to "know best" make those of us who distribute Holy Communion in the manner prescribed to be nasty and unbending. (the directions are usually given in Italian, English and sometimes french and spanish if required to the priests)

    oremus pro invicem

    a priest of Jesus Christ

  2. Anon @ 1.17pm - thank you Father, I suspected as much, will add your intention to my rather lengthy prayer list.

    1. i thought you didnt want any anonymous comments anymore?
