
Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Happy Birthday Will

William Shakespeare

And a Happy Feastday to English men and Women everywhere - today is St George's Day - and what did he do?

Why slay the dragon, of course, oops, sorry Wales.

But here are some lines that all Catholics who oppose Same Sex "Marriage" and the Etonisation of our religious and social values by one, David Cameron, should know by, William Shakespeare who was born on St George's Day.

I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
Straining upon the start. The game's afoot:
Follow your spirit; and, upon this charge
Cry 'God for Harry! England and Saint George!' 


  1. Hi, Richard,

    I love that quote! In fact, I just wrote up a post on St. George's Day for "Open Unionism", and my original draft had the quote in it. Unfortunately, I had to cut it, as the post was running overtime :-( However, I still plan on incorporating it into my British history draft which I am diligently working on :-)

    I was wondering....would you be interested in exchanging emails? We could do it through comments on your blog or mine, and then the administrator could just delete the comment once the exchange has been completed.

    Many Blessings and Happy St. George's Day!

    Pearl of Tyburn

  2. Kenneth Branagh's portrayal of Henry V and tthe speech on St Crispin's day is most stirring.

    Regards from Oz

  3. Pearl, of course,my email address is

    Gervase, yes, Branagh is magnificent. I also like the post battle scene with the Te Deum soundtrack.

  4. Bueno Richard, feliz día del libro.
    Sea como sea el Santo Copatrono de mi Cataluña, es sólo una mítica historia lo de los dragones, ni tan siquiera sabemos con certeza que existiera-
    Con ternura

  5. Whoop! (A Texas yelp of enthusiastic affirmation)

    Pearl of Tyburn is a great young American Catholic. You can find her site at

  6. My apologies - that should read

    - Mack

  7. Gracia Sor Cecilia.
    Mack, I am a great fan of Pearl's already.

  8. Diolch yn fawr, Richard and Mack! I'm tickled pink to have ye both for "fans"! ;-) And know that I'm fans of the two of you, as well!

    Thanks for the email, Richard....I'll send off a test message a.s.a.p.!
