
Thursday, 14 March 2013

The new Pope's 'things to do' list

Celebrate a public Mass in the Extraordinary Form

Write an encyclical on the restoration of orthodoxy

Invite Bishop Fellay round for drinkies

Hold reception for Una Voce

Restore the Latin Mass within seminaries

Issue a command to the Bishops to ensure at least one Sunday Mass is an EF one

Commend the spread of plainchant

Ban all musical ‘street’ instruments from the liturgy

Burn all hymn books post 1970

Create an orthodox syllabus for religious education in Catholic schools

Actually, this is just my perverted sense of humour. It is far too early to make a judgement on this Pontificate.

See HERE for some considerable crumbs of comfort. H/T to Stella Maris for the link


  1. With all the "people's pope" babble (as if the bishops of Rome for 2,000 years have been the beagles' popes), the populist media have already begun their propaganda campaign of Princess Dianafication -- meaning emasculation -- of the man, the office, and the faith.

  2. We'll get a better idea when we see the installation Mass.

    1. this article seems a bit silly now i thank GOD for pope francis long may he walk in the footsteps of CHRIST. the sermon on the mount so much work to do in so little time.

  3. He wore black sneakers this morning. What better idea do you need?

    1. why are you so hung up on foot wear did CHRIST wear red velvet slippers every day and certainly not lace .

  4. I promised myself yesterday that I would simply watch this all unfold from a distance in as detached a manner as possible. I've offered an extra rosary for the holy father every day. I have very real and genuine concerns (disappointment?) especially in regard to what will become of a concrete "reform of the reform" in the liturgy not to mention the widespread propagation of the Traditional rite once more in the life of the Church. All of this seems to be perhaps outside the realm of reality now.

  5. I checked out the link provided for some crumbs of comfort. Many commenters to that article have asked the writer of it the same question I had: Can you please provide confirmation of this information. Can you please tell us where you read this, saw this, heard this. The last time I looked, he was not able to say where he heard/read/saw this information. Not that it's not true but I'd like to see that it's more than just "someone told me"..... But thanks for a good post, as usual.

  6. Elizabeth - I had not thought of verifying the picture but The Hermeneutic of Continuity has similar good reports to make. Meanwhile, I keep praying as the HF's choice of vestments certainly veer to the modern.

  7. I do not believe that it is a total disaster.

    Hopefully, the Benedictine reform of the liturgy will not be forgotten in Britain during the pontificate of Pope Francis I believe that it is the job of the English Catholic blogosphere to keep the pressure up in terms of the 'reform of the reform' i.e. liturgy. However, if we want change then it is also up to faithful, devout and orthodox Catholics to strive for change in their own parish and keep the pressure exerted on their own Bishop.

    This is not a time for heads to drop.

    However, the election of Pope Francis can be seen as an opportunity of a 'reform of ALL the reforms' in all our Catholic churches as I have stated on my latest post.

    Ironically, since Benedict has been pope we have used it as an opportunity to bring about a 'Reform of ALL the Reforms' at Louth St Mary's (brick by brick). Hopefully in two weeks plainchant will return but there has been a return to providing basic catechesis.

    Pope Francis gives us an opportunity to deal with all of the liberal problems that came out of the misinterpretations of Vatican II.

    However, in terms of liturgy if the English Catholic blogosphere drops the ball now, then forget it. It will be game over!

    Ultimately I hope that the new 'tag' line of the Catholic blogosphere will be....

    THE REFORM OF ALL THE REFORMS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I believe that this is the way we should all proceed or we may loose focus.


  8. Anonymous @ 9.35pm -the Papal red shoes are symbolic of walking in the blood of martyrs. The do not come from Gucci or Prada but an ordinary shoe shop and, I guess, they are the same price as black.

  9. thank you for answering for john march as a cradle catholic i do know the symbolic reference to red shoes it was the tone of the comment i thought was disrespectfull to our pope on his first day .

  10. Please, no more anonymous comments. Thanks.

  11. Can you please replace the Holy Father photo with an up to date version? I understand you are in favour of looking back but there is such a thing as reality.

    1. yes i agree we have a new pope his name is francis and will we hear what he says and follow his lead or choose to ignore the line of peter even if it might demand a leap of faith

  12. Please don't make anonymous comments. The picture of the Holy Father on my blog is that of Pope Francis. I also have one of Pope Benedict as a young boy. Also, what I carry on this blog is my own concern, not the concern of anonymous commentators.

  13. Sorry, I did not see this at the hysterical.

    Black sneakers seem not to be an issue with some sems.
