
Monday, 11 February 2013

Of your charity..........

...............please pray for the soul of Ros (Shadowlands and Fire of Their Love)

I may have missed any reports of this at the time, if so, my apologies.

But, it has only just come to my attention that Ros died last September, please pray for her eternal soul.

I never met Ros but we exchanged lively comments on the Faith, hers from a slightly more liberal side of the fence than mine.

Invariably, we disagreed, not least on her execrable taste in music  but we remained good friends.

She left behind some sons (not sure how many) but they, too, should be included in our prayers.


  1. Oh, how sad! It was evident from her blog that Ros was a lovely person. She suffered in many ways, and yet she bore wonderful spiritual fruit. Many people, including myself, will be praying for her, and for her children.

  2. Thanks for letting us know.

    I, too, emailed her often. But had no idea she had died.

    I will keep her in my prayers and have a Mass offered for her soul.

    May she rest in peace.

  3. Thank you for this info. I often had chats via email with Shadowland. May she rest in peace

  4. Thanks for the info. Have missed her blog. I shall indeed pray.

  5. Like you I often disagreed with Ros I will pray for her soul.

  6. Ros was a gentle but brave soul. I'm sure I had no idea just how valiant her struggles were. Two blows on the same Monday. May she and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
