
Friday, 15 February 2013

"I quite like abortion"

Yesterday's 40 Days for Life Vigil in St Mary's Street, Cardiff was a lively affair (at least from 3pm onwards when we joined the little group who prayed so fervently outside the abortion clinic).

                                  Those against Life.....................

Mrs L and myself had booked in for a one hour slot from 3pm until 4pm. We sang the Salve Regina, prayed the Rosary, recited the Divine Mercy Chaplet and, in between, chatted and laughed among ourselves; after all, for the general public to see Christians keeping vigil with smiling faces, must be almost as good as praying.
We also got soaking wet from the incessant rain.

Being an inveterate people watcher I found the response of passers by fascinating.

Most expressed a look of disgust or even anger, a few gawped vacantly, some were obviously in mental tutting mode and one young man called out as he went past at pace: "God bless you all".
That was a most welcome blessing and may God bless him also.

And then, on the stroke of four, just as a sit down and a cup of hot coffee beckoned, a young woman appeared and entered into debate with Colleen the local organiser present and Mrs Linen. Due to traffice noise I could not hear all of what the young woman was saying but, apparently the gist was:

 " This is only the concern of the woman herself and it is her perfect right to choose abortion if she so wishes, and, what is more, she is only getting rid of a parasite"

A Parasite? - I have never heard that word used to describe an unborn child. In truth it shocked me.

Meanwhile, Mark from Perth came under fire from a couple of young men who then transferred their attention to me. They took a theological approach claiming that there was no such thing as a soul and then they went on to why the Holy Father was retiring ("because of his links to child abuse").

I try to avoid such debates because I have a very short fuse that becomes even shorter when faced with banal arguments. I tried hard to hold on to the fact that these young men were much loved by God, and it seemed to work as we entered into a bantering sort of debate with a great deal of smiling and laughter.

Finally, thet set up an impromptu counter vigil opposite proclaiming: "I quite like abortion" - but they lasted less than ten minutes before they moved on.

By then it was around 3.45pm but before we could take our leave an uproar broke out as gangs of homeless young men, with cans of extra strong lager in their hands, clashed violently and bloodily opposite.
An event unconnected with the vigil but somewhat unnerving nonetheless.

                                     .........and those for Life

How could we walk away with so much action taking place?
 By now, our numbers were down to four in total.
We held on until Mary arrived but then a middle aged woman began to harangue us in a most unpleasant fashion. As always, the organising representatives, were cool and, to all appearances, unconcerned, the prayers continued without pause; there are some that are beyond reason and this woman was one of them, please pray for her and the others who opposed the vigil and the cause.

Finally, at 5.40pm we broke off and limped away, determined to return to fight another day.

The Cardiff organisers have put out a call for male volunteers to register for the 4pm to 8pm slot on Saturday night - at present they only have women signed up and it looks like being a rough slot.

It would be a wonderful thing if a parish group could respond so that the numbers were into double figures, please pray that this will happen.

A "parasite"



  1. Richard,
    God Bless you, Mrs L and all who took part in the vigil for Pro-life-what a wonderful witness you give for the sanctity of life1

    God Bless You All,


  2. God bless you and all who took part.

  3. Well done Mr. and Mrs. L.
    Yes, "parasite" is the most recent buzz word beloved of the pro-abortion lobby. Obviously, "clump of cells" wasn't quite doing it.
    But by using the word "parasite" the logical next step is infanticide, as suggested by the medical ethicists in Australia - to much shock/horror reaction - given that babies are "parasites", at least until they can toddle.
    The casual labelling of an embryo/foetus depending on whether or not it is wanted reaches the nadir of hypocrisy when those advocating abortion believe their own right to exist is automatic. Sheesh.
    In a way I can understand (though never condone) why some men are keen on abortion, disguised as a woman's right to choose. Contraception by any means has been a gift to those who want sex without consequences.
    What I find difficult to get my head around is how readily so many women have embraced the idea of murdering their own offspring.

  4. Richard,

    Thank you for standing up for those who have no voice. As for those who opposed you, you surely planted a seed in their thoughts.

    God bless!

    Chloe M.

  5. Thank you all for your comments but it was the organisers from 40 Days Cardiff who were the heroes. Most of them spent many hours praying that day.

  6. Thanks to you and all who pray for the unborn and work to end the evil of abortion. May Our Blessed Virgin pray for the right of the unborn to be born. +JMJ+

  7. It gives one the feeling of surrealism when encountering arguments against life and one can see clearly how the slave trade and Nazi mass murders occurred. We humans never learn or join up the dots. So obvious that without Christ we sink like stones into the depths of sin and perversion.
    Interesting how an ugly fight broke out outside the place where murder and bloodshed takes place (sadly, legally)
    Satan owns the area it seems.
    Where were Priests? Should be sentinelled by priests on a regular basis.
    Well done, you are heroes to take part in the 40 days for life. Is Mary, Mary Driscoll? She travels to Bristol once a month to stand with us outside Marie Stopes (where the babies are terminated every 10 -15 minutes.) She is a wonderful lady. God Bless.

  8. More volunteers are needed for Dublin's 40 Days for Life. See the contact details at 40DaysforLife/, and in the Irish Catholic press.

  9. Thank you for travelling all that way to help out:)

  10. Many needed in Southampton also
