
Tuesday, 15 January 2013

EF Mass for Portsmouth!

St Agatha, patron saint of breast cancer sufferers and bell ringers

A commentator (John-of-Hayling) has flagged up the fact that the TLM is returning to Portsmouth City as of this coming Saturday 19th January. Many thanks JoH.

The Mass will be celebrated at St Agatha's Church at 11am and will be offered on every third Saturday of the month.

St Agatha's is part of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham.

Definitely a hooray, hurrah and huzzah, thank you Bishop Egan.


  1. This is MIGHTY wonderful.

  2. There has been an E.f Mass in Portmouth cathedral for some time.Unfortunately it is always at 8am once a month difficult for people who live outside of the city and who have no transport.However the LMS site mentions the possilbility of further weekday Masses to come and advises to check the cathedral's website.My cup is almost full!!

  3. I'm very pleased it's to be at St Agatha's. The interior is a wonderful place, filled with the devotion of its congregation over many years. A few years ago I attended a Traditional Anglican Communion Eucharist there, and it was a beautiful occasion.

  4. Have to mention that this once a month Mass is always on a Saturday.....never on a sunday as yet.....but I am grateful that it happens.The church of St Agatha is a beautiful church just a stones throw from the cathedral.

    The Holy Mass is celebrated EVERY Sunday at Portsmouth Cathedral at 8am. Thanks to Bishop Egan.
