
Monday, 31 December 2012

The Bishop’s top 10 New Year Resolutions

  1. Must sort out my Primary and Secondary Schools and get some decent, orthodox textbooks and lessons underway

  1. Set myself a target of establishing a series of Latin Mass training programmes for all of my priests

  1. Join with the next SPUC and Forty Days for Life abortuary prayer sessions

  1. Issue an urgent pastoral letter regarding the sanctity of marriage and how all of my flock should protest to their MP about proposed same-sex legislation

  1. Appoint one of my priests as Latin Mass Co-ordinator with the target of establishing EF Masses in at least 20% of my parishes by year end

  1. Issue an Ad Clerum requesting that Benediction be restored and that the grille type of confessionals and communion rails be replaced

  1. Plus….all clergy (and nuns) should be dressed in clerical wear at all times (other than in bed)

  1. Request that all OF Masses should be celebrated Ad Orientum from now on

  1. Ask the FSSP or ICKSP to host one of my parishes

10. Invite the local SSPX group round for drinky poos

NB: This list is not exhaustive, please feel free to suggest more resolutions


  1. Richard,
    You are 100% correct or should I say-anyway keep booting them in 2013! may God bless you and give you the strength and wisdom to continue for what you are doing for His Church and people-A Blessed Holy,Peaceful New Year to You,Yours and All of Your readers also!

    God Bless,



  2. Great,Richard! Perhaps I will forward it on to my own bishop! (Yeah...right...)

  3. Do you know, until I got to #10 where you suggest dialogue with the heretics I thought you were serious.

    Then I read them again and had a good chuckle. Happy new year.


  4. Thank you Michael and Jay. And thank you Tony, I appreciate your unswerving support as always.
    A Holy 2013 to you all.

  5. 11. As Bishop of Erehwon I pledge in this Year of Faith to give public and unequivocal support for the Pope.
    Happy New Year to you and your family, Richard, and to all.

  6. That the use of Extraordinary ministers should be just that

  7. I'm happy to announce that my Ordinary has in fact done No. 4. Deo gratias.

    A happy and blessed 2013 to you, Richard, to Mrs Linen and to all your readers.

  8. In sum, Bishops should follow Jesus and the Bishop of Rome, not Belgium and Hollywood.

    A happy and holy 2013, everyone!

    - Mack in Texas

  9. I'm sure His Lordship, +Philip (Egan) would tick all boxes.

  10. Instant excommunication (with optional death sentence) for anyone practising self-intinction. On reflection, make that "mandatory death sentence".

    (Rats - another one for my next confession.....)

  11. Patti - and a very holy and peaceful New Year to you and your family. God bless.

    Mack, thanks as always.

    Jonathan - and EMHCs!
