
Monday, 10 December 2012

A golden opportunity for the Bishops?

This Christmas, as at every Christmas, the churches will be full of Catholics who, only come to Mass at this time of year.

What an opportunity for re-evangelisation.

A chance to reach out and, in the words of Bishop Thomas Tobin invite them to "Come home".

But, it also provides another very special opportunity, one that involves the looming legislation regarding same sex "marriage."

It is not too late to influence those politicians who are hell bent on imposing this unwanted perversion of marriage upon us.

                          A focus for a pastoral letter on the sanctity of marriage

A priest friend has suggested that their Lordships might jointly issue a pastoral letter on the sanctity of Christian marriage, available as a handout after Midnight Mass and, of course, available at all Masses and Christmas Services including, of course, the Feast of the Holy Family (30th December)- what better fulcrum could there be to effect change than this great feast?

Catholic bloggers have it within their writ to charitably galvanise the Bishops into action; if only we can provide coverage on our blogs.........that is a suggestion, not a request, I know how sensitive such matters can be.

And, if you do not blog you might care to email or write to His Grace, Archbishop Vincent Nichols and/or to your Diocesan Bishop.

Here are the Archbishop's contact details:


                  Post:  Archbishop's House
                           Ambrosden Avenue
                           London SW1P 1QJ


  1. An excellent idea, Richard, and one that I hope will be taken up.

    My weakness is lethargy, not sensitivity.

    God bless!

  2. Thanks Chris, good to hear from you as always. God bless.
