
Monday, 12 November 2012

"You are responsible for the souls of your children

I like muscular Catholicism, telling God's truth as it is and straight from the shoulder.

"We like the Catholic Faith because it's so black and white, you know where you are" used to be a mantra coming from the mouths of converts or catechumens years ago.

Not any more.

We are fed a sloppy diet of sliced value bread and skimmed milk - no nutritional value, nothing to sustain.

I like Michael Voris and cannot understand why so many Catholics slag him off.

He speaks confidently, forthrightly and with conviction - he lives and speaks the Faith!

We are not used to that these days and he may strike some as being just too bold and just too Catholic.

Philothea on Phire has a great post that touches on Michael Voris's latest video clip and the issue of attending a Mass in the Extraordinary Form Latin Mass - here he is:-

The message is: "Get up and go" - what is stopping you?"

1 comment:

  1. I think for some people the truth just hurts. People who speak the truth, like Voris, prick their conscience and remind them of wayward path they have taken. It is a call to conversion, but to many the experience is painful and they would rather not transform, but remain lukewarm and in error.
