
Friday, 5 October 2012

Daily Telegraph readers vote to abort abortion

The Daily Telegraph's Science correspondent, Nick Collins, (no relation) reports on the Minister for Women and Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, Maria Miller's wish to reduce the 24 week abortion allowance to 20 weeks.
OK......yes, I can see that it's a step in the right direction and an important one.

                                 Picture: 40 Days for Life

But, what is more telling is the Telegraph's informal poll on the various aspects of abortion that would be acceptable to the individual.

You may see the poll HERE and, indeed, add your vote if you so wish.

The bottom 'tick circle' is the one in favour of a total ban on abortion, the one we all are in favour of.

16.57% of voters wanted to maintain the 20 week status quo, 11.37% were in favour of a reduction down to 20 weeks but.....BUT........a staggering 54.18% have so far voted in favour of a complete ban.

Mr Cameron........David......Dave......please listen to the people for a change and forget all those trendy vote catchy type moves you are making and take a long, hard look at what abortion means.

What are the fruits of abortion?

Murder most foul of innocent babes, terrible psychological impacts on the women who undergo abortion and a society that loses all respect and charity for the sanctity of life.

If you have not already done so.....try to join A Forty Days' for Life prayer vigil from now until 4th November.

It is a profound and moving experience to bear witness to Jesus Christ in this way.

HERE is their website for full details.


  1. The link to the Telegraph does not appear to work

  2. Daily Telegraph link:


  3. Thanks Father, I think I've amended it now. And thanks very much Lazarus.

  4. Here in the USA only about 53% of the electorate voted in the 2008 presidential election. Almost no one shows up for school board elections, and given the high degree of local autonomy these are very important. In July I voted in a very important runoff election and, again, it was a lonely experience. A great many people talk and respond to polls, but few of them vote.

  5. Well over here in Canada, Parliament recently voted on Motion 312, a motion to strike a committee to study the question of when we become human beings in order to update the 400 year old definition (which was adopted from British Law)so it reflected modern scientific thought. The motion was defeated, but the interesting thing was that the Minister for the Status of Women voted in favour.

    As I stated on my blog

    Apparently the HP of Canada can change the millenia old definition of marriage without consulting a dictionary, or a lexicon or even ministers of any church, and yet they are incapable of even studying the word's definition.

    400 years ago, science told us that the unborn was not a human being until s/he was fully out of the birth canal, and the law concured with scientific definition, but the law stated that it was illegal to destroy that which science said was not a human being.

    Now Science tells us it is human but the law does not concur with the scientific definition and it is now legal to destroy that which science defines as a human being.

    The law is an ass!

  6. Very glad I dropped in and could vote in the poll. I joined the 54% on a total ban. We can never hope to achieve what Christ, in His sacrifice, wanted for us. Protecting the most vulnerable is the only place to start.
