
Thursday, 27 September 2012

Yoga banned from church premises

Fr John Chandler of St Edmund's Church, Southampton has cancelled a booking from a yoga instructor to hold classes in the church hall.

Predictably, this has produced squeals of outrage from those council run 'all faith' groups.

Fr Chandler is clear on his grounds for not holding yoga classes on church property, namely, that the classes were advertised as being "spiritual" in formation and, as such, would be contrary to the teachings of Holy Mother Church.

Well done Fr Chandler.

It will not have escaped anyone's notice that this church is in the Diocese of Portsmouth.

I believe that the new Bishop will approve.


  1. Somethings stirring here in Portsmouth!

  2. Hooray for Father Chandler!

    Many people fail to understand that certain exercises and martial arts are connected to non-Christian faiths.

    Years ago I took exactly one karate lesson, thinking this might be an enjoyable form of exercise; when I understood that one was expected to bow to a building, I let it go.

    -- Mack in Texas

  3. It was certainly the right thing to do but Catholics need to be educated as to why yoga is to be avoided.

  4. It is well explained here
