
Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Time is running out, the day draws near

No, this is not a "day of doom is nigh" post, although I sometimes feel that it could be.

I mean that there are now only 37days left before The Guild of Blessed Titus Brandsma  meeting at the Brompton Oratory, St Wilfred's Chapel at 10.30am on 15th September.

And the Hour Glass?

That's where the meeting will adjourn to after Mass, celebrated by Fr Rupert McHardy who will also address the group at a brief meeting afterwards.

That would seem to be a ultra Catholic sort of day; Holy Mass in the Extraordinary Form, an interesting talk, a brief meeting and then the Chesterton hour (or two).

So, if you blog or use the new media or social networking sites - or, if you like to comment on blogs, come along.

Time does not run out until 11pm here!


  1. It looks like Fr Z would like to come along, if anyone could help him get to London!

  2. Well, we could all have a whip round!!!!!!

  3. If no-one has volunteered to pay Fr. Z's passage yet, I can donate some air miles. Just post to let me know and I'll contact Fr. Z directly

  4. Dylan, what a fantastic comment and well backed up by Sandy and Floreat. I will also chip in. I'll post on it tomorrow and see if we can get some pledges.I reckon 30 pledges of £20 (or air miles)would get us there, or, rather, him here.

  5. I can do either...air-miles or £20. I think that Fr. Z has a Paypal donation button on his site. Will check back to see how donations are going and see whether air miles or cash is the way to go. When does Fr Z have to book his ticket by?

  6. @ Richard...

    Yes, all very good suggestions, I could chip in a little, too...
