
Saturday, 28 July 2012

Did the Bishops have a hand in the Olympic opening ceremony?

I mean, it had all the hallmarks of Eccleston Square writ large over it.
Lots of flashing lights and clouds of smoke; young maidens dancing about the place and then there was the punk rock bit....just the sort of thing that their Lordships think makes them cool and trendy (see Day for Life)

And, to cap it all, it made Britain look like it was stuck in the Industrial Revolution period, cloth caps, mufflers and clogs. Great!

Various British Governments have spent fortunes in an attempt to dispel the commonly held image of Britain as a country steeped in pea souper fogs, with citizens either wearing the aforesaid apparel or deerstalker hats wandering around streets lit by gas lamps..

That is really how many Chinese and Japanese industrialists view us, a slightly comical nation with Morris Dancers outside every pub and Little Bo Peeps herding sheep through city streets.
And now, they know it is true.

The Day of Life which takes place tomorrow was originally intended as a day to reinforce the sanctity of human life when the forces of BPAS and Dignitas are hell bent on destroying it.

Only now, it's riding on the Olympics bandwagon and the promotional image of a young girl swimming has all the depth and allure of a municipal swimming baths programme.

If you can be bothered to look at the Day for Life website you can read the blurb. And blurb it is.

The thing is, I looked for a mention of "God" or something in the spiritual vein. There was nothing, it was all totally secular as far as I could see.

If you wish to prove me wrong and can direct me to where mention is made of Almighty God, then you will win a one way ticket to Pyongyang's Hotel  Dignitas.

Meanwhile, remember that Greece was the original home of the Olympics.....and of cynics.


  1. Britain in 1948 would not have surrendered cravenly to the anti-Semitism of the International Olympic Commission. The racism shown against Israeli athletes in the last week is a jackboot-step back to 1936. I am ashamed that President Obama and Governor Romney have been silent in the matter.

  2. "Use Your Body for the Glory of God" (1 Cor 6:20) and much more...

    God bless

  3. Send my prize to David Cameron, Richard. If there is a group discount...send his cronies on a package tour.

    God bless

  4. "The thing is, I looked for a mention of "God" or something in the spiritual vein. There was nothing, it was all totally secular as far as I could see."

    In fact, and much to my own astonishment, you're quite wrong! Didn't you see that lady singing, with great solemnity, all of the verses of 'Abide with Me'? You could've knocked me down with a feather. Having been prepared to sneer at the whole thing, I came to the end feeling inwardly impressed and curiously warmed.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Thank you Sonia, good to hear from you.

  7. Richard, Surely you jest when writing that there was nothing religious about the opening ceremony. As Anagnostis mentioned, every verse of "Abide with me" was sung, led by Emeli Sande, who sang with true feeling. What also touched my heart was so many seeing people join in - punk rockers, the nurses from the NHS sketch, the people dress as workers etc.

    I find your post to be rather bitter and perhaps this has caused you to miss something that was clear - the singing of a hymn which unequivocably proclaims God as being our unchanging hope and salvation. I can't recall any other opening Olympic ceremony doing as much.

  8. Anagnostis and Parapidimos - Actually I switched off ere Abide with me was sung but, even so I do not think that really stands for any degree of the religious background to England or Britain. The Catholic Faith introduced Schools, Universities, Hospitals, Welfare support systems and mass employment. Surely we could have had a few monks parachuting in to give the whole proceedings some depth. Bitter? Cynics are never bitter, just cynical. Thanks for your comments.

  9. Thanks Mack, always in agreement with you.

  10. Anagnostis and Parapidemos, many congratulations. You have me defending myself on a topic that I never commented upon; the religious input at the Olympic Games opening ceremony. It was the "Day for Life" operation that does not appear to carry any reference to Almighty God. Supposedly quite different from the Olympics but a natural enough error given the graphics promoting it. God bless.

  11. I was taken by surprise of the "Queen parachuting" ( I know it wan't really her, but go with it)

    I turned to my dh Bear and said, "Jeez, the poor woman, Look at what those British force her to do just to earn a paycheque."

    Further: is it me or did HM look peeved or perturbed when she finally entered the arena

  12. Puff - "peeved and perturbed" sums it up rather well. Sixty years of dedication and unfaltering effort on behalf of your country and you end up as a Bond girl.
