
Saturday, 23 June 2012

How to recognise a modernist nun

This is a real nun - not a modernist one

A true modernist nun is recognisable by the following:-

  1. No habit
  2. Hair styled by Mad Max
  3. Couture by Oxfam
  4. Make-up and Lipstick by Blind Pugh
  5. Winning the fight against anorexia
  6. Travel in packs
  7. Frisbee earrings
  8. Stainless steel vaguely cross shaped brooch
  9. Over 70 years old
  10. Lives in groups in a convent covent coven

This post was inspired by Making Things Visible, The Tenth Crusade and Fr Z. 

And - if you think that I am off beam....just view the video clips on the above blogs


  1. A real modernist nun whom I knew had a cushion on the chair in her office embroidered with the words, "THE OLDER THE VIOLIN, THE SWEETER THE MUSIC". Hmmm.

  2. Chris, a pity she could not apply that philosophy to the liturgy. God bless.

  3. Richard - great post!

    Chris, it is duly noted that said message was situated near the the most appropriate body part of said nun.

  4. Would love to say I agree with you Richard however last time I commented about proper nuns I was castigated by someone claiming to be an orthodox catholic and threatened with being bashed on the head with a guitar.Lol

    1. I always thought this blog attracted undesirables. Imagine someone threatening such a thing!

    2. If the cap fits wear it as the old saying goes.!!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Chris and TTC, many thanks. Introibo - it's the modern form of martyrdom, to be bashed over the head with a guitar. God bless all.

  7. why is this issue absorbing so much energy?? If we're going to die out, why don't the rest of you just get on with whatever it is you need to get on with

  8. Anonymous Nun -
    Because Sister, we have a concern for your mortal soul and wish to counsel you before it is too late. No more anon comments please.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. That is just offensive. The vitroil which has been evident in all this is beyond belief. Is it possible that all are good people with diferent lenses with which to see? Sheila
