
Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Be at ease with your Catholic side

The Liberal Catholic test..........

You are most definitely in the liberal camp if you:-

  1. Become apoplectic when you hear latin spoken
  2. Like to have a chat in church before, during and after Mass
  3. Applaud in church when the Chairman of the Parish Council’s birthday is announced
  4. Say the Our Father aeroplane fashion
  5. Like to hug your neighbour at the kiss of peace
  6. Are not too fond of Pope Benedict
  7. Like Sister Sharon’s new earrings
  8. Possess a polyester gown for the liturgical dance
  9. Are allergic to incense
  10. Are a founder member of the Graham Kendrick fan club
None of those? There you are - you see you really are a traditionalist - be at ease with your Catholic self!


  1. What if you smuggle in a tambourine?

  2. I think I pass on most of these but I haven't worked out what "saying the Our Father aeroplane fashion" means. I don't think I do it but I have never actually listened to myself.
    Also I am reluctant to pass judgement on Sister Sharon's earrings without seeing them. They might look perfectly decent on a layperson.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Genty, sorry, blitzed your comment in error....GK is the composer of Shine Jesus Shine.
    Gareth, you would be drummed out of the Brownies. are a closet traditionalist. I am sure you do not pray with your arms outstretched as if about to catch a giant balloon.

  5. Och, you're a harrrrd man. Serves me right for being facetious.

  6. i heard an Anglican say that Graeme Kendrick was the bloke who had "b------ Christian music". Here in Oz my daughter went to Tintern Grammar (motto FACTIS NON VERBIS) -yes named after the Abbey that henry 8 had pulled down- and every year there was a Cathedral service at St pauls Melbourne. And always it was Shine Jesus Shine that was sung ,as it was sung at School assemblies.Then I saw the man himself on Songs of Praise that was filmed in Majorca with all these Pommy expats ( my dad was one) singing his songs which were really quite uplifting- in a downdraft type of way.

  7. Unfortunately, this is the new normal.
    I wish we could get back the right kind of reverence for the Mass which our ancestors had.
